AR on 3 "shittervests"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex
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Your Steam/In-game Name: Alex / Danny bishop
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jamie Davis, Connor else, Carl Else (None of them are steam names as i do not know)
His/Her SteamID: No clue.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The 3 users mugged me in public city garage with candy canes (Baseball bats) Also breaking 3.24 by reading what i said in LOOC in local chat.

Btw, i included part where i murdered them cause they deserved it.
Evidence (Demo Required):


If anyone has their steam names or id's id love if you post them :)
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You ran them over, later you told me you killed them all at PD Hospital, surely the doll must've dropped?

Edit: Clearly mugged you in front of a camera and NPC, however the camera may have been blocked off but the NPC clearly wasn't. The NPC had enough time to call the police leading to them breaking 3.4

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I believe these are the people who mugged me infront of the bank, since I didn't have any money I withdrawed 5k and killed them :3 . @Shaun
Public place and all, however putting in LOOC

Was not a good idea, it just creates more trouble.
These are the sweaters who mug with bats lol. They were clearly breaking a rules and should get a ban
Thanks for making this action request,
I'm going to +support this action request,

These three players all broke 6.3 and 5.1, they did not take any of the NPC's around them into account, the NPC's would've called the police and these males would've been arrested. As seen on the mugging rule it says,
Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.

Without their steam name or id's, then nothing can be done as we don't know who they are.​

As we can't get their steam id's or name's, nothing can be done about it. If you want you can post a refund request for the items that you have lost as they did break the rules.​

After speaking with Alex, I managed to salvage the name of the 3 sweatervests. Therefore the players will be receiving a ban. Feel free to make a Refund Request on the matter.

Thank you.​
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