AR on Bryan Spiller V3

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: [DPA] Samsterminator / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Spiller / Bryan Spiller
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52394059
Why Should This Player Be Punished: As an officer the user gathered his friend who was a SWAT officer, and raided my property at glass co for no reason. Later claiming that he raided our property "For fun". I sped up parts of the video to make it shorter as it was like 10 minutes long before speeding up. I can provide a unedited video on request.
Evidence (Demo Required):
We had plenty of reason, and he told you in OOC and we both told Jay lmao. The swat in the video said he's able to provide the demo and I've already PMed him to do so. Love you Sam.
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When me and my friend where outside of the building getting stuff from my car as my trunk was glitched for me, the SWAT was not in the property at that point, Yet you where, so that would mean that you where trespassing as at this point you where yet to find a reason to be on the property.. Which would mean that you would be breaking 4.1 Follow the Law.

SWAT is only supposed to be called if an officer is in immediate danger, which makes me wonder, why was SWAT on scene before having a reason to raid.. As according to you the SWAT was the one that found the reason to raid in the first place.

Please provide this demo ASAP as I would like to see why you raided us.
In glass co, there were 4 of us basing, me, Jay, Sam, and my sweater friend. There was about 12 people on the server, and we were powergrowing. We were just having conversations in OOC chat, and then me and Sam started joking about cooking meth outside. Then Sam goes outside and we all follow, and then we see SWAT near scrapyard so we run back inside, but not before some officer comes around the corner from parker and says he wants to talk. I say to stop trespassing and we all get back inside. We hear the C2, and of course in a 4v2 we won with only Sam dying. There was no reason to raid us, as they did not have probable cause, nor a search warrant. They did not identify themselves as the PLPD before entering. Raiding someone for fun, when no one agrees that it is banter and you don't even know who you're raiding is ridiculous.
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