AR on Jack Bushross for 3.4 2.5

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Duke Ford / Money
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jack Bushross / Jamie (not sure about OOC one, he didn't give it)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 (I am not sure about his OOC name as he refused to give it)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Me and another officer were talking to the owner of a vehicle that rammed through our police barricades. Jack Bushross came down into the apartment to pick a weapon. The two people inside were pushing me off the door besides multiple warnings to stop. After the guy refused to stop pushing us I came into his apartment, since he refused to come out, to detain him for causing alarm and distress.
Jack Bushross then proceeded to gun me down for wanting to, at worst case scenario, give someone a ticket for pushing me or detaining him/arresting him for causing alarm and distress, thererefore breaking 3.4 and 2.5, getting himself ultimately wanted for murder and starting a shootout within his apartment.
Evidence (Demo Required): It's at the start of the demo. Demo is very short as it started anew so you shouldn't have an issue to find it.

Tick: It's from the start.
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You really are blowing this story out of hand. I didn't want to cause a "shootout", Hence why I left the APT after I shot and killed you and didn't come back for 10-15mins. You forced your way into our apartment and tbh I thought I was wanted from a shootout that happened yesterday before I logged off. I thought this due to the person behind you pulling his pistol out when he some what seen my name in the back ground. If I was not warrented then I do be sorry for shooting you in the head after you ran all the way in. We also gave you multiple warnings to step out of our house and you processed not to. Next time you might want to demand people to things and use lawful orders.

I also find it funny how you make out I refused to give you my ooc name while I legit replied to you in ooc.
Ngl mate you need to make ur intentions clear. You chose very unreasonable methods to apprehend someone for reckless driving leading us to suspect there was more to the picture than 12.12. You said very little and started walking into the property with handcuffs out. Obviously we are going to suspect something is happening and as Jamie has already said, it was likely that he was wanted for a shootout the previous day, I suggest taking better approaches to situations to avoid this sort of thing.

@Jack Bushross will receive the following warning:

3.4, 2.5 - The player shot and killed a police officer in circumstances that were not proportionate or justifiable. The officer entered the players property with the intention to arrest them for a traffic offence, player shot and killed the officer in defence claiming a defence that he thought he was wanted when there was no information given to suggest that this was the case, accepted action request.

@FatGeorge you should be careful in future with these incidents, you shouldn't push a police officer in these circumstances as I have seen in the demo, you are risking your freedom from imprisonment over something that can be settled civily or through a supervisor

Reviewed with @Hayden @Mim
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