AR on Josef

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: josef

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5442038

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 literally pulled a ppk when he was gun pointed by the whole pd, he clearly had no change winning with a ppk

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: na
First of all, you never know what a ppk can do (doesn't justify what I did), what happened was that someone stole my vehicle and I decided to take them to church and shoot them in his foot for what he did, I chose not to kill him because I had no interest in killing him, I then drove off and as I was leaving, I see a cop car @GamingPeach turn its lights on and try to block me on, this pursuit lasts for about 3-4mins until I finally go intersection where I hit into the s.w.a.t van and the engine gets damaged, I was gun pointed yes however I thought to myself that when I get out the vehicle, I would get out on the side where there were about two cops at the time, It was risky but I took the risk and decided to attempt to pull my firearm and shoot down an officer to then try and take the other one down, I do now see how it was a bit stupid but I did it so that's it.

Not replying to this anymore. gd day.
i once got myself a warning for the same exact situation i wanna know if this one gets denied or accepted so i can make a dispute about mine, if u were a tfu and u went thru this incident you would've reported the person and u saw ooc chat after what you've done a lot were pissed lol
Said I wasn't going to reply to this but here I am doing it (last time I am, fr this time), 1. I don't appreciate the slander saying that if I was TFU that I would have reported someone if they did this. 2. If the whole point of this AR is just because you did something similar and want to see if you can make a dispute then this is just petty AF.
actually im not doing this to dispute my warning i won't even dispute it
i once got myself a warning for the same exact situation i wanna know if this one gets denied or accepted so i can make a dispute about mine, if u were a tfu and u went thru this incident you would've reported the person and u saw ooc chat after what you've done a lot were pissed lol
Isn't slander if he didn't say anything that puts mud on your name btw.
1. you are not involved so don't reply or comment to this action request.
2. I consider this slander because he is accusing me if the roles were switched and someone did this to me and then accused me saying that I would report the person. This is false. End off.

I would like to address this action request as i was the initial officer that called this entire situation in. You have created an action request as Josef decided it was more beneficial for him to take his chances than surrender, you have failed to look at this situation from a whole perspective you have just looked at it from what happen within that 10/15s. Josef shot a man at church for wronging him , josef had the advantage the guy didn't know his name so his id was hidden. However if the police had caught him with how big of a situation it was at intersection surely a civilian would of witnessed it and put the pieces together to get a positive ID and they could of just hunted him down and killed him, thus this meaning he wouldn't be doing everything in his power to stay alive. He evaluated the situation at intersection and saw and escape route by killing those officers and running to the park at bank and making a run for it into forest, making police catching him very slim.
no shit sherlock, josef already said what was the situation he said he shot the man in his legs he didn't kill him so thanks for the false information
he had no chance standing against the whole police force there was 8-10 officers and 3-4 of them tfu what chance did he have to win with a ppk exactly? and under gunpoint too?
no shit sherlock, josef already said what was the situation he said he shot the man in his legs he didn't kill him so thanks for the false information
The guy died bleed out, so don't get all funny with me when you don't even know what happened, you have the vision of a mindless goat; can't seem to get a full understanding of the situation can you?
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