AR on Lei Yong

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Your Steam/In-game Name: Panda / Aaron Martin
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lei Yong / For me it's a square
His/Her SteamID: (if an admin could find this for me would be great)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, 4.1 and 2.1. Ran in front of Liam's car and tried to roadspike us for a thing that had already been dealt with Lewis Robertson. We then escape as he tries to put us in jail for reckless driving and trying to assassinate the officer.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: ˆˆˆ
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This guy has to be banned. He abused his c2, bused panic as ss and was an overal pain. Think matt walker knows more.

I told you numerous times to get out of the vehicle you rammed into police barricades for absolutely no reason, you were also wanted for driving on the wrong side of the road and causing unnecessarily police chases when all I would have given you was a ticket. I shot your vehicle because you were either intoxicated or horrible at driving because you crashed head on numerous cars and drove away like nothing ever happened, you also ran me over and didn't even stop.

You also failed to mention you running off into the vehicle whilst in cuffs and driving off that's why I continued to follow you and make the arrest.
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I told you numerous times to get out of the vehicle you rammed into police barricades for absolutely no reason, you were also wanted for driving on the wrong side of the road and causing unnecessarily police chases when all I would have given you was a ticket. I shot your vehicle because you were either intoxicated or horrible at driving because you crashed head on numerous cars and drove away like nothing ever happened, you also ran me over and didn't even stop.

You clearly ran in front of a moving car risking your life. Another officer @LEWIS 088 had already dealt with it. The main reason of the AR is you running in front of the car. Also What police barricades? The raid ay suburbs was over and you could clearly see no barricades there.

You ran in front of out car because we were risking lives? You can see in the youtube video we are driving safely in the suburbs area

Also you said That I got in to the car while cuffed? You uncuffed me because I had not broken Any laws
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This player is a general pain in the ass. Today as Secret Service he was not performing his duties. Not once was he even next to the mayor, instead he was inside the PD "Talking with officers". He also started punch whoring me outside the Police Department for no reason.
@Anarchy , why would you run infront of a vehicle in that manner, risking your own health, trying to put the roadspikes undearneatch the car in that way? If you would've done it properly, you should have asked them to stop the vehicle by going beside them, as they were going rather slow, and the use of your firearm was not neccesary at all, as they crashed into the limo cause they tried to escape your behaviour, and also you shot down Liam's vehicle although he already stopped it, by the looks from the video. You also lied about Liam trying to drive you over on purpose to @jjjackier . You should always make sure something has been dealt with or not before trying to confront someone within said situation, and be thoughtful of what you do.
Just as Minilarro said, why would you even run infront of a driving car trying to roadspike it, in real life you would have been ran over and been seriously injured or even killed, so its putting your life at risk, and even tho you got ''ran'' over i wouldn't see that as a reason to break law 11.11. Because by your actions they were very unrealistic and you have clearly broken rules here, so i will go ahead and +Support this Action Request.

Rules thtat was clearly Broken:
2.1. ( no one runs out onto the road infront of a moving vehicle just to spike it )

After reviewing the evidence provided its clear the user has brokan the server rules.

The user ran infront of a moving vehicle to spike it for what the video showed no reason.
It was very unrealistic for the user to run infront of a vehicle that was moving just to deploy roadspikes.

The user should be punished for the rules broken also needs to be trained by members in the PLPD to deploy a roadspike correctly without harming yourself.

Also i would like to take time to mention this is not the first time i have seen you break rules.
Yeah I risked my own life to save other lifes what's the problem, you can vote me dumb all you like but my duty as an officer is to put my life on the line to protect others this kinda contradicts 3.4 at times I was trying to stop this madman at all costs.

Finally make an Ar for minge punching don't accuse me of shit without evidence,.

User broke 3.4, 2.1 and 4.1 as he risked his life, had roleplayed it out really un-realistically and lied about being ran over.
You can accept this btw.

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