AR On Louis

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Double J/ Grace Legasov
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Louis/ Harrison Turner
His/Her SteamID: IDK
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, 3.4, Player decided to kill me for handcuffing Tyrone Watson who was pushing me at Projex 4. Which is only 10.1/9.1. Not even enough to kill a cop over. I Was investigating the dead body outside Projex 2 and they claimed they were raided. Continuing the conversation, they were compliant up until I asked where the gun was. Generally, I couldn't be bothered for the gun, they didn't report the crime, thus, I said they would receive a ticket (Not Tyrone as he was outside at the time and arrived as I arrived). Tyrone escalated this by pushing me, But I couldn't be arsed reporting Tyrone as I don't mind him pushing me, I cuffed him as he pushed me.
Evidence (Demo Required):!3yYjQQKR!LR9_xaUb_2U_qPCj2z3kmOOYx23pfU4WmkKrSB70c5w
Tick: Not sure It'll be near the end of it, possibly 25-35(?)
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So I told you and others told you cuffing me would result in a bad situation yet you still decided to cuff me and u then pulled a gun at the same time as my accosiate yet he got the shot on you.
This is highly pathetic, You kept walking into our apartment hence why Tyrone was pushing you out so you couldn't see what we were doing and you had 0 right to be in there, Tyrone had every right to push you however if you were outside then he shouldn't have. The 3.4 makes no sense, I believe you were pulling ur gun out as mine finished so I don't know how I "Put my Life in Risk" , You were shot because you kept walking in and Tyrone was pushing you, You were asking for the guns from the raiders which we obviously had and wouldn't give up and because you arrested Tyrone for pushing you OUT of OUR apartment. I added you on steam to ask what the problem was and I was being super chill and you just came at me calling me a "fucking retard" like it's so childish, at the end of the day If I believed I did something wrong I'm sure I'd say sorry and move on but I really don't think i've done something wrong.

+ I and Tyrone warned you if you cuffed him something bad was gonna happen.
You clearly just admitted to breaking 3.4 in your response, refusing to comply and risking your lives because you don't want to lose the weapons you stole from the raiders.
You could've handed over the weapons and that would've been it, but instead you risk a 10 year sentence or death by cop.

I was generally there to investigate it aswell. You wouldn't have gone to jail as I was the only cop on duty. a ticket for 10.1 or 9.1 or destruction of evidence does not exceed 7K Therefore not suitable to kill a cop over.
If I'm refusing to come out the apartment what are you gonna do, shoot me? so how does that create some sort of risk that I'm putting myself into, We didn't risk anything, 1 of you and about 7 of us however if it was the otherway I'd have no choice but to recieve the ticket.
It's a ticket, why would I shoot you if I'm a cop? you didn't report the raid... you risked a 1000$ ticket for 10yrs 10k or Death
Of course, I wouldn't come out,
- Losing the guns
- Receiving a Ticket
- Tyrone going to Jail
- Tyrone getting a ticket

I'm gonna say it again, You walked in, we told you to go away, You didn't, Tyrone pushed you out like why didn't you just stand outside and talk to us without stepping in and being in some sort of view of our drugs, Again the reason you were shot was stepping inside, trying to take the guns, giving me a ticket and then giving Tyrone a ticket and a jail sentence
@Jimmy Jackson There was no cops/medics online other than you so I shot you and hid the body which would prevent a warrant for further down the line, I didn't risk my life at all, If anything it was you risking your life trying to disturb us and asking for the guns when it wasn't JUST me that was there, I didn't risk 10 years or 10k because say if you killed me, There are 6 other people to shoot you which you'd easily be killed.
@Lewis Dragon Why would he goto jail for pushing me?, losing the guns and recieving a ticket is better off than dying or going to jail, How could I know if there was 2 raiders if there was just 1 guy? also, you said in OOC For them to come raid you and told them where you were, which is metagaming...
@Jimmy Jackson Considering when I dmed you on Steam you mentioned something about him going to prison and receiving a ticket & don't even fucking try and turn the OOC metagaming thing on me, It wasn't me and I told you who it was, I said "GG" in OOC after mate so don't even bother trying to turn that on me when you know exactly who it was.
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