AR on mango

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ♫JarredInator♫ / Jarred Donerino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mango / Jay Rothwell

His/Her SteamID: TEAM_0:1:119099254

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Unrealistic movement during a shootout. Don't tell me allowed to stand up there because there is no way in hell you decide to climb on some mail boxes after you just shot 2 guys in the face. Not even to mention the fact how half of his body was floating in the air or how you even get up there in the first place.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
@Super_ said I'm allowed to be up there. Not to mention the amount of times I've been killed by people in that spot, and I never once have made an AR because I'm not salty. Also, if you're just making an AR because you're salty and want a refund, then message me on steam idgaf about cash.
I'm not salty, this is the first time i've been killed from that spot as before i stopped playing it wasn't allowed, and for a good reason too. Neither do I care about the money. I don't care how often you got killed there and never made an AR. The ledge is about 10 cm wide which is under no way a realistic option to stand on top of to get an advantage in a shootout.
I'm not salty, this is the first time i've been killed from that spot as before i stopped playing it wasn't allowed, and for a good reason too. Neither do I care about the money. I don't care how often you got killed there and never made an AR. The ledge is about 10 cm wide which is under no way a realistic option to stand on top of to get an advantage in a shootout.

If you're not salty and you don't want to be refunded, then what's the point in making an AR? I was already told by Super_ that I was allowed to do it anyway, and I'm pretty sure he said that in the report you made too. You're clearly not satisfied and just want me to be punished for some reason. Pathetic. It was also dealt with in-game in a report that I was believe was handled by Super_, and you don't even listen to him when he says it's allowed. Why are you so desperate to get me punished?
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Because i believe you broke a rule? It has nothing to do with being salty or wanting money but perhaps that concept is out of your grasp. Super didnt even handle the report. All i did was make an AR and you mustve been kicked in your balls today if you take it so personal saying i just want you pusnished
Super didnt even handle the report.

According to another staff member, the report was denied, therefore that staff member who is not Super_ thinks that it's allowed.


So that's 3 staff members in total who approved of it, but you still make an AR? ok.
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