AR on Marcus Hudson

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Atomic Josslyn Yano
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Marcus Hudson / ^SvensKebaB
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:205542456
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4/3.6 User ran me over by crashing against a wall. The short story of this is that we had just robbed bank and were killing cops at bazar I was watching down the highway with as50 till everyone had got into puffer as were going to base there. The reason I was the one watching behind is because as50 can shoot 2 bullets faster than a cop could stop his car and hop out to shoot me. Marcus had come from parker tunnel and he thought it would be a great idea to crash into me and hit a wall at the same time. Marcus somehow didn't die although he hit the wall at like 60 mph. The user and the other officer in the passenger seat with him were instantly shot by 4 other people around the area meaning his life was at risk. None of us had seen him behind meaning he had more than enough chance to drive past and save his life and his fellow officer.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
@Marcus Hudson
Lol, I didn't break any rules, why you so angry man XD

First, of, we were told that there were shooters at the bazaar area, so I drive towards suburbs highway instead of city bridge because I am well aware of the "spawn kill" thing at city bridge, where people just wait to spawn kill cops. And my theory was correct, you were standing in the middle of the freaking highway with your gun out just waiting for cops to come. I came from Mcuwes, driving 30mph scouting for any shooters. I see you standing in the middle of the highway with your sniper out, facing the city bridge. So you were facing away from me, and you were the only one I could see at the time. My initial quick plan in the head was to run you over, jump out and secure the rest of bazaar before proceeding on with my duties. The only thing that went wrong was that you stood so close to the half-wall that I just touched it by 1cm, even tho I tried to swing around it but it was too slow. If this happened in real life, I would still have been alive and you would be dead, but due to the perp physics, it ended up killing me, even tho I tried to avoid it at all costs. I proceed to kick the pedal to the metal, so I could kill you with my car.
You're an experienced player Atomic, you should be WELL aware of the fact that if you just robbed the bank, you don't go to the bazaar. You don't. That is a public area, and when you're wanted you are supposed to avoid public areas at all cost, but instead you went straight to the bazaar, to stand in the middle of the freaking highway only so you could kill cops. I was speeding down before I accelerated into you, and I saw you blatantly for 2 seconds just standing with your sniper on the middle of the highway... And you say I break 3.4???
You literally stood and waited for cops to come so you could shoot them
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If you get offended by being called a retard for standing in the middle of the highway Saint Wylde, you should really reconsider your actions.
And yes you are a sad person Atomic. You are very sad crying about dying in a pc game when you're standing on the freaking highway lol.
Nowhere in this AR is 1.1 I dont care that you called me a retard in ooc. I'm making this as I lost an hours worth of work due to your stupid decision that breaks the rules. I'm not crying and to be completely honest I don't care that you broke the rules. Im writing this AR due to the fact that when u killed me my gun got stuck under ur car and ur car set on fire meaning it burnt. If an org member had gotten my as50 this wouldn't be here. And if I could make an RR without an AR yet again this wouldn't be here. Like I said in the last post at least I don't sing to staff members to get unbanned.
Alright, and as I said from the beginning, if you really cared for your gun and you wanted to preserve your life, you would not have driven to the most public place in the game. I don't feel I break any rules, as you were facing away from me, but I accidentally hit the corner which was my mistake which resulted in me dying. I can't really see how or what rules I broke, please explain.
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George that is something else, the situation there is totally different. :)

And no Atomic, thats not how it works.. Luckily the car damage mechanic system has been updated.
Well, I wasn't crying. Clearly you dont understand this is breaking rules which shows ur complete lack of knowledge about the rules. I wasn't breaking any rules if u read the AR my reason for watching that area was completely valid. you said I was in the middle of the highway yet i was behind a wall cops could run me over from the front?? And you also said to me in ooc that you had planned to turn after running me over clearly this wouldn't have been possible from the speed you were going.
You're an experienced player Atomic, you should be WELL aware of the fact that if you just robbed the bank
I am experienced and also ex staff tbh. But you are just as experienced as me Marcus you even have a cousin whos an admin on the server I would think you would try your best to avoid any type of rule break.
The only thing that went wrong was that you stood so close to the half-wall that I just touched it by 1cm, even tho I tried to swing around it but it was too slow.
You say it was 1 cm if you are too blind to see it in that gif jonah sent here is a close-up. And it also shows how hitting the wall was not your death. You and your partner were shot dead:
You didn't only get urself killed you got ur fellow officer killed but that's IA not AR and I cba with IAs so dont need to worry bout that unless they see the ban once u report it maybe they will do something then.
And what George put is pretty much the same as what you did just yours is a lesser chance of survival as u hit a brick wall.
Drove into a shootout where there had been multiple life alerts choosing to run over 1 person next to multiple armed men showing no consideration to the damage you'd recieve and inflict on the cop in your car crashing at 60mph into a wall intentionally to kill 1 bank robber and getting both of you killed full and well knowing the risk you take driving to the location of a shootout. I just wouldn't speak to this guy. Nothing goes in.
And no offense Marcus but you were literally just unbanned 2 days ago for breaking 3.4 as you did something that caused your death due to other armed suspects being in the area. This is pretty much what happened here. You killed 1 person (me) and that resulted in your death. I get your point you took a risk and it went wrong but taking that 'risk' is breaking the rules there is no way that you would have made it out alive as running me over would have rekt your car and you would have been shot by the other people.
Your not wrong dai hes a bit like stav when I reported him he would never understand that he broke a rule.
Situation ain't different, you risked your life to kill a civilian and died while doing so, eddy managed to kill ice killer but due to the speed he was going at realistically he would be dead, in this situation you DID die and killed your partner too.
@Atomic Why did you stand on the "highway" killing cops? Did you try to leave? Is it a possible for you to provide a video of the entire situation?

@Marcus Hudson please share your POV.
We had literally just killed the last cop like it was like seconds from it and then whilst the org was getting into a cars and moving I watched the highway as as50 can 1 shot the cars and a second shot to kill the driver. TBH I would rather not provide a video because thats a lot of effort ima need to go through watching the demo. If its really needed then I will do.
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