AR on Max Arnolds

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: George Schurr / Fasool.Joker

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mortal Fusions-unbanned / Max Arnolds

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81900845

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
User was being gun pointed for breaking and entering a property. He then proceeded by ignoring gun point and taking his weapon out. He then shot me down while ignoring gun point and claimed that my gun was on passive mode. Taking his weapon out while under gunpoint is a life risk, which means he broke "3.4". This is a clear breakage of "3.4", therefor I believe he must receive a punishment.

To Max: Max we all make mistakes, that's what makes us humans, but the point of us making mistakes is that we learn from them. So, I hope you learn from your mistakes. I believe you may have paniced and reacted quickly by shooting me down and ignoring gunpoint, so I don't think it will be that big a punishment, but you still broke the rules and a punishment will still be take in place ;). Again, I hope you learn from you mistakes :).

-EDIT-: You did say that "You saw my weapon on passive mode", so if that's true I would like you to post a demo with your OP.

Thank you for reading,
George Schurr

Sorry for bad quality :{

Tick: N/A
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Friendly neighborhood water bottle expert Niko here to inform you that you, fasool.joker, did indeed not go out of passive stance.

If you take a look at the video, you'll notice that the text "attack stance" never appears, which means, despite the fact that you're aiming on your screen, you're in passive mode for everyone else, and also cannot fire.


I left a water bottle at your doorstep

Due there being a massive amount of bugs in the server right now (thanks Garry) there is no way to see if you were in attack stance or passive, visually you were in attack stance client side, however there is no text on screen stating that you entered attack stance.

@Mortal Fusions could you please upload a demo (or a short video) of your point of view of the situation, if I receive no evidence in 48 hours I will issue a punishment, which of course you can dispute if you eventually find the evidence.
max knows the rules, maybe it was a client side thing, i know max well, and he knows not to pull a gun at gunpoint
Pls wait until you ban me i will show you on a demo that his gun on my screen was in passive stance
[DOUBLEPOST=1450451550,1450449244][/DOUBLEPOST]@LEWIS 088 I am currently getting the demo
[DOUBLEPOST=1450451719][/DOUBLEPOST]@LEWIS 088 In this demo it is clear that he was in passive stance so i had a right to pull a gun
[DOUBLEPOST=1450452432][/DOUBLEPOST]@fasool.joker Np i would have made and ar if it happened to me its clearly just a bug.
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