AR on MoonTheSpoon and Ryan Henderson

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Daft Punk/Lacey Melano
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ryan/Ryan Henderson and MoonTh3Spoon/didnt catch it.
His/Her SteamID: Havent got moonthespoons/I have got ryans though: STEAM_0:0:150060923
Why Should This Player Be Punished: so ryan: 2.5 Player molotoved subs lake house for no apparant reason. and MoonTheSpoon: 2.5 Player shot and killed a player who was putting out a fire at the time. They raided Stav/Decimus previously, and died.
Evidence (Demo Required): I dont have video evidence but i do have log evidence: Ryan Ryan Henderson STEAM_0:0:150060923 Player threw a molotov near Lake Nov 12, 2019 1:31:52 PM

Daft Punk Lacey Melano STEAM_0:0:173809331 Player was killed by Citizen MoonTh3Sp00n (Benelli M3 Super 90)

Proof for me putting fire out: Daft Punk Lacey Melano STEAM_0:0:173809331 Player dropped Fire Extinguisher on death at Lake
Tick: N/A

Also this affected @THECRX
1. Didnt have gun, only had fire extinguisher and 2. I just connected to server.
something called investigating...... i had my g3a3 before we were molotoved, was confused. Pretty sure i asked you question, you blanked, makes it sus. but have fun.
Basically yeah my g, im the 3rd criminal, the instigator if you will. After a innocent raid on nooni the poon slayer he proceeded to spray up my perfect little mini and then proceeded to taunt me in ooc so i thought id ruin his day a tiny bit by setting his gaf on fire so av that
who told you JRW got shot and killed? no one was there when he was killed so did you meta or?

you wasent even there so can you show where you got that information that JRW was killed.
so you ignored NLR and acted on your previous life and mollied us.

btw I shot your car before stav killed you so you couldent exit so that makes no sense.
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