Ar on Mr.Salty

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Google Chrome

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Google Chrome/Bob Bobov
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Xeno #FreeHusky/ Tyler Bounce
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:68788670
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 This user has been extremely toxic recently and also salty. He is calling me stupid shit about me being an Israelian and that I am retarded or something close to being retarded. The user hasn't so clean history about his bans for 1.1(6 bans) or warning as you can see he has 6 bans for 1.1 and a lot of warnings for 1.1. I have also made an AR on him about him being salty and toxic in OOC after that I have tried to stay out of OOC as much as I can. In the screenshots, you can see her randomly to start assaulting me over me doing my job as an officer. AR
Evidence (Demo Required): - Saying that for no reason. Only because of dying. *Salt* - Also so you know in the future I am not from Isreal I am Bulgarian so stop calling me Israelian
Tick: no needed - Saying that for no reason. Only because of dying. *Salt*
I was calling him salty because he is generally salty, making an even though they won the sit. I dont care when i die, i basically only come on the server to meme. - Also so you know in the future I am not from Isreal I am Bulgarian so stop calling me Israelian
bob bobov.png Bulgarian?
I called you petty for the same reasons i called A1L salty. Because you generally are what I'm saying you are. Stop provoking people and maybe you wont get a reaction. I could have said worse stuff.
I was calling him salty because he is generally salty, making an even though they won the sit. I dont care when i die, i basically only come on the server to meme.

View attachment 2995 Bulgarian?
I called you petty for the same reasons i called A1L salty. Because you generally are what I'm saying you are. Stop provoking people and maybe you wont get a reaction. I could have said worse stuff.
Excuse me but you cannot say you are not toxic. Every one knows it.
guys as ive been involved in multiple arguments between groups im pretty sure d3v has told all of us that we cannot provoke or being disrespectful/cocky in ooc so im saying here you are both being as bad as eachother and need to stop all this stuff in ooc
Im not saying im not toxic. All im saying is what im saying is truthul? READ IT. I also like how you only make an AR on me when other people said shit.
It's not the first time you are talking shit you have done it many times before as well but I have decided to just ignore it. You talk shit to other people as well when you die I have had enough of you crying all the time I have talked with @Jon Godinn about you being salty and toxic and from that, you have been toxic but I have not made an AR but now I have had enough from you it's not funny.
tbh i will prob get into shit for getting involved but, ur always targeting Tyler all the time and u always put shit in ooc and D3V did say to both of us dont get cocky etc and be aids in ooc and it seems it happens from both sides so maybe if we should both stop talking to each other and just ignore each other would be for the best
It's not the first time you are talking shit you have done it many times before as well but I have decided to just ignore it. You talk shit to other people as well when you die I have had enough of you crying all the time I have talked with @Jon Godinn about you being salty and toxic and from that, you have been toxic but I have not made an AR but now I have had enough from you it's not funny.
I ONLY COME ON THE SERVER TO MEME, WHY WOULD I CRY. Honestly, I'm hardly toxic and every time I am you make an AR. If me stating you are isreali and calling you petty "assaults" you then you shouldn't be on the internet. I know kids younger than you who can actually have a joke.
I ONLY COME ON THE SERVER TO MEME, WHY WOULD I CRY. Honestly, I'm hardly toxic and every time I am you make an AR. If me stating you are isreali and calling you petty "assaults" you then you shouldn't be on the internet. I know kids younger than you who can actually have a joke.
Lol I am done posting in this post you are legit trying to get something out of this but I don't really see what.
tbh i will prob get into shit for getting involved but, ur always targeting Tyler all the time and u always put shit in ooc and D3V did say to both of us dont get cocky etc and be aids in ooc and it seems it happens from both sides so maybe if we should both stop talking to each other and just ignore each other would be for the best
I have NEVER been banned for 1.1 and he has.
I ONLY COME ON THE SERVER TO MEME, WHY WOULD I CRY. Honestly, I'm hardly toxic and every time I am you make an AR. If me stating you are isreali and calling you petty "assaults" you then you shouldn't be on the internet. I know kids younger than you who can actually have a joke.
Also, you differently are not playing for the meme if you are growing all the time.
I just want to get give a first hand perspective. I've seen it all in ooc google chrome did indeed provoke ReapZ which led to even more arguments. ReapZ indeed was fired up over a situation that happened and Google chrome then afterwards had to get himself involved for no reason in ooc to provoke ReapZ. - Also so you know in the future I am not from Isreal I am Bulgarian so stop calling me Israelian
Tick: no needed
Also dont know why u would decide to even put this in the AR, but ReapZ only said Asralies. He didn't specifically say any certain community member/s are Petty Asraelis. You are just out looking to get ReapZ for any reason to get him banned probably for humour/entertainment just because of his age.
Stop It Get Some Help.
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I just want to get give a first hand perspective. I've seen it all in ooc google chrome did indeed provoke ReapZ which led to even more arguments. ReapZ indeed was fired up over a situation that happened and Google chrome then afterwards had to get himself involved for no reason in ooc to provoke ReapZ.

Have you got evidence of this from the day this issue occured?
No, we dont because we dont care about whats said on the internet.

I like how i wasnt even talking to you for this one and the person i was talking to doesnt care about it.
So you think you are not salty aggressive and toxic in OOC? Or you did nothing wrong in the situation idk what you are discussing with me lol.
So you think you are not salty aggressive and toxic in OOC? Or you did nothing wrong in the situation idk what you are discussing with me lol.
I didnt say im not salty, you're assuming things. Just like you assumed i was talking about you. The world doesn't resolve around you mate.
To be honest to u mate if u cant take some kid calling you a salty bitch then u need to take a look at urself and grow some balls because any normal person won't give a fuck. But you, on the other hand, have to make an ar it just funny
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