AR on MrHyde Themad

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [DPA] Samsterminator / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown / Mrhyde Themad
His/Her SteamID: Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished: During a active gunfight between officers and the owners of slums 3 apartment, the man stood outside slums 2 which was his apartment, then after he was cuffed for failure to enter the apartment or leave the area, the man then randomly walked into slums 3 (who he was in no way affiliated with), who shot him once, then took him hostage. The owner of slums 3 was Michael Aqua, MrHyde was living with him earlier on, however they had a gunfight and MrHyde's keys were removed. Note: While recording, at 1:01 I accidentally muted my sound for a couple seconds, and at 1:30, the cut is because I switched to the next demo cause that one ended.
Evidence (Demo Required):
First of all why do you say i am not affiliated with them? how can you first report and then ask! I am literraly in their organization!
I know Lamar, who is an important member and he has helped me out numerous times in the server for the past hours so just for your information in that situation you were much more harmful to me than the so called "criminals".
You handcuffed me insted of helping me , when you can clearly hear me begging for help constantly if you could help me regain acess to my house, since the owner was my friend and let me grow weed inside, but later decided to betray me and removed the keys.
So going back to the reason i went inside, personally after seing you cops dieing around me insted of just one paying atention and helping me, the only resort i had was to risk going in my friends apartaments to get untied and healed from the police harrasment.

i dont like that you mute some parts because it means you are only getting the information you want, taking it out of context and showing it in your favour.

and one more thing, people like you make me sick and want to leave the server, i just joined a few days ago and think its a great one, RPing like a hobo since im broke and new, i still want to give it a chance and grow in the community, but if i have to be scared of each step i take because of people like you reporting for anything you dont like only makes me want to not even start.

please rethink your report and try to view things from another perspective.
thanks for reading and hope to see you soon ingame.
[DOUBLEPOST=1480645744,1480645103][/DOUBLEPOST]i just noticed your channel has more than 20 videos only made to report people and get them banned, why do you put so much effort in banning people form this server? its not like people are mass rdming or failing rp.... why dont you give people a break? or should the rest of the community keep you under the scope so each and every move of yours is observed and reported so you never even have the chance to do something that could "seem" a broken rule.
Try to take it easy with the reports in general and dont see everything with such a dark point of view.
[DOUBLEPOST=1480681707][/DOUBLEPOST][DOUBLEPOST=1480681625][/DOUBLEPOST]you dont understand.
the cops put me more in danger than anyone, the rest of the so called criminals were friends living next door and i had a better chance of being of being freed and helped by them than the cops, plus there was a halt of fire when i walked in, im not stupid i waited until things relaxed a bit before going to my friends.
the only reason i got shot is because they could of thought for a second i was a cop but when i was inside they tried to help me.
So after you claimed you knew the people in the apartment I asked a friend who lived there, and he said this:


If they were your friends, I don't see why they would have killed you. As for not helping you, your keys were removed from his apartment, you had no property inside of the apartment as I had been in there, so you had no reason to be in there, and even if I did have the time to get involved, the owner was on duty as a police officer, so there was not a lot I could do about that. Regardless of whether or not you knew the owner of the apartments, you still risked your life, you had seen the people inside were shooting at the door as soon as they saw movement, and they actually shot you as you walked in, you were risking your life entering the apartment, and you were risking your life standing were you where in the stairway anyway, as if a guy came and shot round the corner you could have got shot, you should have gone downstairs, as I told you to multiple times.
I dont know that Edisom guy, the only person i really know is Shokorm, and he was part of the organization. and who is he to speak for everyone in that room? im guessing he wasnt even aware of the situation or of me.
They didnt want to kill me, they tried to even heal me so please dont lie this way, it was a missfire thinking i was a COP thats why they shot. The reason why i was there is because i wanted to get the things back from my old house, and you insted of helping me, you hadcuffed me so thats why i went to my friends so they could help me get free again. For me in that situation the cops were more of a threat , and it seemed i would only end up arrested or in jail if i went outside handcuffed, i prefered trying to break free and risking it than to stay put and cooperate with the police.
Just because i made another choice different from yours does not mean it is not correct. You are the guilty in putting me in a risky situation just suddenly handcuffing me without a real reason, and because of that you became my enemy insted of the helping cop you should of been. I am sorry but your point of view is completly invalid after trying to show "evidence" from a random guy giving his opinion insted of trying to get answers from the REAL people that were there in the RP situation. That means Shokron13, he can confirm i knew him.
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