AR on multiple people

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Your Steam/In-game Name: How do I quickscope? / Smith Carry
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bob Bobov/ Joe Diamond / Unknown/ Unknown
His/Her SteamID: Unknown/ Unknown/ Unknown/ Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished:Raided an empty property while there was a crime scene going on and the property has been already raided by PLPD ( us ) and everything was confiscated. I believe they broke 3.4.
Evidence (Demo Required):
How could we know you already raided the property? You were just in our way at the moment when we planned to raid so we just went ahead and fucked you then planned to continue the raid but a problem did so we had to drive back to our apartment, when we returned we continued but everything was gone.
"Crack Head" at the start was being arrested for not following orders, which then I asked him to give his friend his gun. He pulled out his gun and tried to kill even though the was 2 more officers around me and it was over a little jail or fine. he broke 3.4 in doing so.
"Crack Head" at the start was being arrested for not following orders, which then I asked him to give his friend his gun. He pulled out his gun and tried to kill even though the was 2 more officers around me and it was over a little jail or fine. he broke 3.4 in doing so.
That's wrong, i had reason to also this AR aint even about me and he even said that.
Who is Crack head?
crack head is harley robson
So, I dont know if I have anything to add to the situations.

I was sitting idle in the vehicle (Brikaas/Brian Palvinksy) and I took, on purpose, no actions what so ever.
We drove away shortly after the entire shoot-out with the Police, and I didnt do anything against the server rules as I believe.
So I really want to know what I did wrong we were gonna raid this place and while they had cuffs on they wouldn't be able to shoot us and by killing the cops at the raiding place so we don't have to deal with them later because it will be harder.
Why did you came back after you safelly escaped?
[DOUBLEPOST=1512669990,1512668951][/DOUBLEPOST]Answers for you :)
The property you wanted to raid was occupied by the Police at the time, yet you decided to raid it anyway. Firing upon several Police Officers for drugs that had already potentially been seized posed a huge risk to your life. The risks of these actions greatly outweighed the benefits in this scenario.

There is no doubt about it, you risked your life severely by engaging the Police force over a couple of drugs, while not knowing if the items you wanted from the raid had already been seized and thus broke 3.4.

This could have been prevented had you just waited for the Police to leave and then raided.
Close the AR. Everything has been talked out and I believe they will learn from their mistakes.
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