AR on Raisin Dick and TheFrozenMonkeyKing

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Photon | / Aleksey Patrov
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: TheFrozenMonkey King
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58034774
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Raisin Dick
His/her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44627859

Why Should This Player Be Punished: These two players should essentially be punished for breaking 2.1 and 3.3 and 3.4. No person would throw a glass bottle at someone with a fire extinguisher (which wasn't used) for simply arguing with them and then proceed to gunpoint them in front of multiple civilians, including right next to a market (bazaar) and then shoot them. By doing this, they've put their freedom at risk as the civilians at bazaar would've heard the shots and called the police, along with the two bystanders right next to the shooting.
Evidence (Demo Required):!H0oUTRZC!8yvVft9YZWuqZ4xcfSbgAlbqNPtpmu9d5WgJgD2jVwY

Tick: Around 16000-16500

Additional comments: Lost a desert eagle

yes i know i spoke loudly and sometimes not in an understandable way, sorry.
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You literally cut out the whole reason you were shot?
You come to our gambling table and start being loud and obnoxious screaming things like "CS:GO Jackpot". We tell you to leave and insult you, you throw a burger onto our table for reason in which we toss it and tell you to leave again. You then pull out a fire-extinguisher and point it at Joe, which could be seen as a threat because spraying certain chemicals in someone's face isn't number one priority. In response to you being an all around nuisance Joe throws a bottle at your face, you pull out a gun and say something along the lines of "Do you really want to do that" (a threat) in response me and our guys shoot you, only two witnesses being the next-door neighbors who have their existence in question if they bother snitching, all other witnesses are allies and/or organization members. Immediately after you're shot we make a group effort of hiding your body in the shop next door and the gun in ours within at-most a minute and a half. Your body was never found, the two neighbors never snitched, and we were in harmony until you got us taken into an admin sit in the middle of another gamble we had, resulting in us having a screaming-match. And I don't know what point you're trying to make by saying "In public" killing in public is not against the rules. Doing it in a stupid/unprepared fashion that gets you arrested is, to make it even more clear; after you were killed, it was as if it never happened, it wasn't brought up, no police showed up, the body was gone immediately, not a reliable trace you even existed.
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You literally cut out the whole reason you were shot?
You come to our gambling table and start being loud and obnoxious screaming things like "CS:GO Jackpot". We tell you to leave and insult you, you throw a burger onto our table for reason in which we toss it and tell you to leave. You then pull out a fire-extinguisher and point it at Joe, which could be seen as a threat because spraying certain chemicals in someone's face isn't number one priority. In response to you being an all around nuisance Joe throws a bottle at your face, you pull out a gun and say something along the lines of "Do you really want to do that" in response me and our guys shoot you, only two witnesses being the next-door neighbors who have their existence in question if they bother snitching, all other witnesses are allies and/or organization members. Immediately after you're shot we make a group effort of hiding your body in the shop next door and the gun in ours within at-most a minute and a half. Your body was never found, the two neighbors never snitched, and we were in harmony until you got us taken into an admin sit in the middle of another gamble we had, resulting in us having a screaming-match.

I pulled a fire extinguisher, true, but I never used it. To which you then threw a glass bottle, which would've left me bleeding with glass shards in my body, causing me a lot of pain. I pulled out my deagle because I thought you would do something else, I never pointed the gun directly at you. The point still stands, in real life you would not shoot someone next to a market full of people, along with bystanders in the area. I lowered my gun, to which I then posed no threat to you, and then you proceeded to kill me.
You literally cut out the whole reason you were shot?
You come to our gambling table and start being loud and obnoxious screaming things like "CS:GO Jackpot". We tell you to leave and insult you, you throw a burger onto our table for reason in which we toss it and tell you to leave. You then pull out a fire-extinguisher and point it at Joe, which could be seen as a threat because spraying certain chemicals in someone's face isn't number one priority. In response to you being an all around nuisance Joe throws a bottle at your face, you pull out a gun and say something along the lines of "Do you really want to do that" in response me and our guys shoot you, only two witnesses being the next-door neighbors who have their existence in question if they bother snitching, all other witnesses are allies and/or organization members. Immediately after you're shot we make a group effort of hiding your body in the shop next door and the gun in ours within at-most a minute and a half. Your body was never found, the two neighbors never snitched, and we were in harmony until you got us taken into an admin sit in the middle of another gamble we had, resulting in us having a screaming-match.

// comment was too long

These rules are supposed to simulate what would happen in real life, and the apply to this situation. You threw a glass bottle at me which I then pulled out my gun (Did not gunpoint) for my own safety, and then I put it down as you had me 2 to 1. As I posed no direct threat to you, you killed me. You had no reason to kill me.


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No rules were broken. Try not to argue that people are breaking the rules by pulling guns out in public while you yourself are doing it too.
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