AR on Smo

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Lydus Corvinus
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ben Ross
His/Her SteamID: SMO - STEAM_0:1:2385029 @smo
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
SMO (Ben Ross) stored an AK during an ongoing raid at slums 3 when it wasnt safe.
Evidence (Demo Required): -

All Died in slums 3 -
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This is bang out of order, you've went out of your way to get this AK I'm sorry but you have too much spare time, we waited 3 minutes until we decided to push WE decided to push I don't think leonard was going to push inside since he waited 3 minutes, we thought it was all clear by then you got your AK back. You actually make me laugh it's quite pathetic how its took you a hour to get this footage just for my AK.
It looked like it was clear since we held the door for a very long time. I have also given back the weapon that i stored to @ALOO89
Should've waited 5 minutes, and checked if the whole building was clear. instead, you waited 3 minutes. and didn't even check the building. ¯\(ツ)
So basically you're saying if I waited 2 minutes longer and leonard was still at the bottom of the stairs doing literally nothing just aiming at the top of the stairs it would've been fine? Seems a bit biased your opinion
Also we waited before putting it into storage as shown in the demo
why you didnt posh out to make sure no one out then start storage guns
by the way i was really going to posh in like 10-20 sec i was making sure you wont posh out you can see me opening my mic and say some shit to make you posh out
It's not our job to push out since we're the defenders lmao not the attackers
3.18 Storages and trunks
While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person. This includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

Both @smo and @Ysauzi life was still in immediate danger when the two weapons were stored. I'll have a talk with both users which the punishment will be based on.
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