AR on Tyla

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ♫ JarredInator ♫ / Jarred Donerino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: LordTyla / Tyla Jai

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56687120

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Oh boy.

I believe Tyla broke 3.4 as he failed to follow simple instructions which led to his death. I told him multiple times, very clearly too, that any move he makes will cause his death. A minute later he decided to move. Perhaps it was a bit over the top. Maybe this entire AR is. But I'm fairly sure the instructions were very clear and very simple.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
If this is for Tyla moving around I do not see the point in the AR really, I would've understood if he kept running around being an idiot but as from what I can see hes just turning around to see if anyone is doing anything that affects his RP

Edit; Xd didn't see the whole video, why have 2 min if the evidence is at the end LUL. Anyway still seems odd but again thats moving undergunpoint
As a response too all the people included in the rant very nice discussion in the SB. And other wanders in this thread.

I know it's a petty AR, I even said so in the AR myself. I do not care about the weapons and drugs I lost. This all just comes down to the basic principle. It's the simple reason that I'm getting tired of 'experienced' officers being oblivious to the fact that there is a guy pointing a gun at him that could kill him in an instant and thinking they got the situation under control. I have let officers slip by multiple times breaking given instructions but this time I wont. I completely understand that his movement affected absolutely nothing in regards to the situation, it however broke my only, very clear and very easy instruction. Do. Not. Move. It's not rocket science. Get your fingers of the keyboard and there you go. This isn't my little pony where o well you moved doesn't matter really let's keep going. If I tell you don't move, that means you're not moving. That also means that in 2 minutes you're still not moving.

Does this look like a rant? Probably does. Again I am not angry at our loses. I am simply frustrated at the basic principle about fearing your life being completely ignored.

Sure glad I didn't break 3.4 like a million times right? :trande:
Lol I was completely compliant for at least 3 maybe 4 minutes (as you took me hostage before the video starts) standing completely still, when me and Cole started talking through the door I took literally one step towards the door to project my voice to him but then remembered the instruction so took a step back to where I was hoping that this didn't cause an issue.

Science has proven that the duration of my short term memory is around 15 to 30 seconds without actually rehearsing the instruction, which you only said once, to make me actually follow the instruction 100% you should tell me a few times so I don't forget what you said. Considering your voice is pretty weak and quiet (at least in-game) it is quite likely that I would have forgot what you said anyway, as it isn't exactly intimidating nor did you repeat the instruction from what I heard.


So my excuse is science, if you disagree then take it up with these gents:
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