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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: loganfinch11|logan finch
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (Carlos Elpenos| ooc name Xomandera, I could not find his steam id?!) (The person with the AK ic name| Kristina Golan | ooc name mofidoss) (The guy in the doorway ooc name Robbin' The Hood (Unknown in game name)
His/Her SteamID: mofidoss (STEAM_0:1:65075178) Robbin (STEAM_0:0:115926207) I could not find the other guy I think he changed his name
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
As he was delaying RP for his friends to get armed, he was putting his life at risk as I said drop there guns and drop your stuff as he did not

3.6 Stay Alive
Relates onto 3.4 Not doing as he is told

Evidence (Demo Required):

In the video I say "Drop your gun I know you have one" thats my way of thinking am sorry if that is against the rules I just feel like everyone in perp that has some sort of base is armed in some sort of way.

So basically i was at my friend's base inside morons doing drugs and scott the owner of the place seems like he heard you yelling these words and in the meanwhile i didn't hear anything, he told me that carlos is in trouble, if we were the plpd i would say yeah its a mistake to open fire at you as carlos will die, carlos isn't my friend really, he's just someone who based with scott and i joined them so i just helped him because he was basing with us and wasn't really afraid that he gonna get shot so i opened fire at you i didn't hear you saying these words doe, you were mugging him in public which isn't allowed at all, that's the side of my story if any staff need a demo from me feel free to ask.


(Btw i know my aim sucks there's some numbers popping and it lags the game)
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If you go check the AR on you "Spoon" you will find my statement there. I said how I realised I was stalling and im sorry so an admin can warn me for that if they need to. Also, I was about to click drop on my items before my friends came out and opened fire on which I ran a hid. I didn't shoot you until you tried to execute me. (And how others have mentioned, it was public. Even if it was a raid or not at least tell me to move quickly to a hidden spot first)
[DOUBLEPOST=1478928521,1478918741][/DOUBLEPOST]My IC name is now "Carter Barrens" by the way.

User will be receiving a warning for violating server rule 3.4, and you will receive a ban for violating server rule 5.1 as you mugged another player in a public area and in the vicinity of two npcs.​
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