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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Mooo
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kompotent
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137767844
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Excess Negativity
Evidence (Demo Required):
Extra Info: after this he killed Dante Jackson who was also unarmed
i was raiding i didnt know you wernt unarmed, i wasn't looking i saw defences and people behind them i assumed you were going to fire back at me, in the heat of the moment i shot again i apologize
that is false because I asked Dante after what happened (OOC) and he said he was killed even though he stated that he was unarmed
no he didn't state he was unarmed he said he had nothing in the base which when you are getting raided it's what you will say i thought they was chatting shit as i said
When you and your friends where outside, I was repeatedly yelling that we didn’t have anything down, then you go on saying that you don’t care and you just hated our accents. You guys break in and I continue to mention that we have nothing down and the base isn’t even complete. You then shoot my friend in the head, then peak in, shoot me, then back out, then shoot me again killing me. When you shot both of us you knew we did not have any guns, we never fired a shot back at you. @Nexus 2
i never said anything about hating your accents honestly i didn't even know anything about that, i will go and speak to some of the people involved to find out where that came from, although i didn't know if you was lying about not having placed anything down , at the time i did not know if were armed or not, in my head i saw one person behind a barricade and fence which my instinct was to shoot them incase they shot me it was in the heat of the moment i killed you both.

I walked down to the slums 3 and saw some of my friends at the door and i was bored so i thought to raid i did not hear anyone say anything about your accents or that they don't care, i honestly do apologise for killing you both and anyone making fun of your accents, when i realised you were unarmed i realised i fucked up all i can really say is sorry and next time i will make sure that the person i am raiding is armed before i kill them.

edit: I i thought you ment OOC they was making fun of your accents but it was IC
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I realise that it does look bad, in the moment i was just trying to raid and didn't pay much attention to it so again i am sorry but heres the video

obviously you did pay attention considering the fact it took you over 5 seconds per kill on two people who were unarmed sitting still lol, you missed like 4 shots combined on both of them so its obvious as fuck you were just looking to kill them hahahahhaaa
this is going to be my last message on this post, i will leave it to the admins now, i havn't lied about anything and i apologise for this situation. in future i will be more aware and make sure you are armed
okay accept this the kid literally admitted to killing unarmed people intentionally
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