Ban Apology (A1L)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Jaydogdizzledinner
Your Roleplay Name: Travis Nguyen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:158050240

Why were you punished?: 2.6 - Failure to report metagamers // Extended for 1.6, 3.2 - Metagaming with others, lying about it in a dispute, wasting staff time.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hindsight is 20/20, and unfortunately, I believe that I made a grave mistake in attempting to circumvent punishment by lying to staff to negate the ban given to me. I'm still very new to the server and I've been enjoying my time on PERP immensely but I've done the community and administration team a disservice by insulting both staff's intelligence and wasting their time in an attempt to lie my way out of punishment instead of simply admitting my mistake and accepting the fact that I had disrespected the server's rules and regulations.

My intention isn't to be malicious to PERPheads whatsoever and I, ironically, was afraid of extending my ban for a far longer period as in my initial ban statement it was said I was banned solely for 2.6 and I genuinely believed that if I had admitted to actually being present in the Discord call I would be suffering the same fate as my friend KrT had as his ban jumped from 2 weeks to 2 months, to now 6 months. I understood the punishments on the server were severe and as stated previously I've been loving playing the server and interacting with the community, especially in police roleplay.

I was afraid of disappointing a new friend I had made on the server and before this point, we had played the server together without, myself at least, having suffered any major infractions. However as was stated at the beginning of this apology, it would have been far wiser to either simply suggest we didn't use Discord while IRP before joining the server or refuse to use Discord on my end altogether.

I would like to extend my apology to Aquaa as well if it wasn't clear already. I exchanged a few messages trading music videos with Aquaa after my false dispute was disproven and that exchange was eye-opening and further hammered home that I was acting childish, and manipulative, and had wasted a large portion of time to what are essentially volunteers that ensure that my experience, as well as other's on the server, are maintained and that you guys had given me a fair shake and investigated my false report instead of immediately extending my ban as it was clear that I was proven of violating the server rules - as well as having already given me what I assume is a largely reduced initial ban time for having participated as a newer player. And for that, regardless of my ban time, I genuinely do apologize to both A1L and Aquaa for my complete and total disregard of your guy's time and effort. I can only hope that either of you won't consider this apology as another attempt at manipulating your guy's generous and unassuming nature and believe that truly, beyond a doubt, I am extremely sorry for my conduct as well as my friend's conduct on the server.
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I tried giving you an out when I asked you to just admit it because it would be better for you when you decided to appeal. You took this as us trying to “coerce” you and continually denied the obvious.

As you said, you lied and wasted our time for no reason, and like Ive told you already in DMS if you were just honest you would’ve been back on the server in a few days. You are going to have to wait this ban out.
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