Ban Apology (A1L)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: gleecey
Your Roleplay Name: Damiel Bernaldo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35632189

Why were you punished?: Mass RDM - acting like a crackhead shooting cops for no reason at all, sticking around the scene at bazaar just to engage in more combat, shooting a civilian in the process.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I thought I was following rule 2.1 when I smoked crack in game and was feeling quite skitz. I had no idea that I couldn't smoke crack in game and unleash my inner crack head, I slightly disagree with the ban explanation I was "acting" like a crackhead. I was a crackhead, theres no mistaking it. I inhaled over 5 cracks I was ready to rumble. I even missed shots on purpose in order to be as realistic as possible in my RP. I had no idea I couldn't take crack and shoot at the cops like a regular old crackhead, its not like I was booming everyone with a big ass rifle and wouldn't stop missing. I was using the tiniest revolver ever and would continually miss on purpose so the cops would fight me. I killed many cops off that good good crack, but I received retaliation from the PD almost instantly. I don't see why I have to be permanently banned for this. I feel like you guys could've just came to me and told me to cut it out and I would've stopped. Now I'm over here writing a whole appeal for what is just another dull moment. If I come back on the server I wont smoke crack again, I'll go to rehab and I'll sober up and I wont ever ingest drugs and shoot at the cops again, give me a second chance
  • Funny
Reactions: A1L


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United Kingdom
Unfortunately not, wait a bit before appealing, you literally asked the question in discord so it looked like you wanted to know prior, but then just decided to go ahead and start randomly killing these cops, not cool dude
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