Ban Apology (A1L)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: IsaacDeSnuts
Your Roleplay Name: Isaac Hammerstone
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:628633579

Why were you punished?: 2.5, 3.20 - Carbombing multiple people for seemingly no reason at all, once questioned in an admin report, disconnected from the server immediately.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would like to make an apology for what I did. I didn't think what I did through and just did it in the moment. If possible I would like to speak with the admin who banned me to talk things through. My idea was to help people who had there car stolen as a form of vigilante justice

Additional Information: My friend who is also in the server was with me when I had to diconnect becasue I was leaving the house and he can tell you what happened too, since I told him the reason I did what I did. And there is another player who I told the reason
If admin(s) would like to talk more in depth about this, my Discord is named danivig if any of you would talk more about this
You were inside of The Office when I made a report with you, I saw you stand still and you most likely read the report and then disconnected straight after, am I wrong?
I was not in the office when I disconnected I believe. I was outside the office with my mate when I disconnected if I remember right, but I can ask him cause he is better at remembering. And I disconnected at around 5.30 pm because I had to go to my grandparents house for dinner thats why I left when I did. To be honest with you I was told by another player that if a report was made on you it would come up like on the top of your screen which never happened so idk if I was told the wrong thing or misunderstood it. Even my mate I mensioned earlier told me that in his infinit wisdom of games if you are admin reported it would be very clear to read. Hell I'm the type of dumbass who sees something and says it out loud which I never did. I'm telling you mate unless you tell me exactly where admin reports are being sent or made I guess? anyway you tell me where they are shown and then I can probably tell you more of what I saw. Like I said in my appeal I told my mate why I did those car bombings and I'll gladly share my mindset at the time with you if you wanna talk more in depth about it