Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: TinySlayer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Skript
Your Roleplay Name: Dexter Akmed
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:160787951

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?: I never should of cheated, especially on such a server worth playing normally as everyone else does. I want to start off by apologising to TinySlayer directly, I should of just admitted it from the start, instead of lying, making excuses and trying to play off as I never cheated was more than stupid and I regret it muchly. I never should of done it in the first place but I was young, stupid and was just trying to gain a better advantage than others to get money quicker and stay alive more. I apologise next to the community as a whole who's roleplay and enjoyment I disrupted by using unfair advantages with cheats. I'm not too sure how long I've been banned for but to me it seems quite a while, 2 maybe 3 years? I've lost track, but I have never lost the want to still have a chance to play perp normally again and meet new friends, play as a character, gain memories and roleplay greatly.

Alting is a different story, I was ignorant to the fact the more I did it the more the chance lessens of returning any time shortly, I just wanted to play again and again without cheats and I was so downright idiotic for trying to ban evade and act like it wasn't me whilst trying to play normally. I made ban appeals days after being banned for ban evading which is outrageous, I have no clue why I thought it would work and I would be unbanned spending a couple hours writing a heartfelt appeal with the outcome already decided before it was sent.

I'm here now appealing as I honestly want to return, I've changed, lots and I want to start over afresh as a new person, someone more than willing to provide great roleplay to others, make situations and scenarios more interesting and enjoyable. I completely understand if what I did was unforgivable and you want to decline this apology. I just honestly want to see the greatly developed server again, a server which can't be compared at all. It's unique, different and most of all has a great community within it.

I don't want to make this apology too long to read but I just want to say I'm sorry, what I did was completely wrong, I regret it 'till this day and If I was in your position I would of done the exact same, I was some dumb kid who didn't have the best roleplay and decided to ruin the many chances I was given by multiple staff members by finishing it all of with cheats. If I was to return, even for a week just to show you that I have changed and it will stay like that, I am more than happy too.

I am out of excuses, I just want you to see that I have changed, and I am more than willing to provide great roleplay to perpheads community and staff members.
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