Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Don't remember and I can't see my ban on bans.
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Elliot
Your Roleplay Name: Abraham Poopenchpiel
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157321584

Why were you punished?: RDM, i believe

Why should this appeal be considered?: I think this appeal should be considered as I honestly have no idea how long I have been banned for, nor do I know the details of what occured as it was a long time ago. The trouble is that I cannot find my ban on bans, i have been looking for about 10 minutes even going through my old steam names. From what I do remember I believe i was trying to get a friend of mine to initiate on someone so I could shoot them which i think was considered RDM to a certain extent. It has been a few months now and I understand that i tried to take advantage of the rules and system by using initiation as an excuse to RDM someone in a way. It would be a lot more helpful if more information about my ban would be available, so i am also asking for some context and the length of my ban.

"1.4, 2.5, 3.15, 3.22 - Ran people over in a stolen car and drove reckless for no reason. After he got told off he got angry and decided to MassRDM and got his friend to help him get a gun and collect as many people they could for him to kill. Ended up in a clown fiesta, NITRP."
Definitely didn't mass RDM i killed like one person.
Also we weren't "collecting people to kill" we initiated on someone so I could shoot them from a rooftop, i'm aware that still isn't allowed but i think saying "collect as many people for him to kill" and "massRDM" is a massive exaggeration and I believe that a 1 year ban for sniping someone that my friend initiated on is way out of proportions.
We were spectating you when you instructed two of your friends to "get as many people as possible", then you drove around to find a good spot where you could kill all of them with the Springfield M14 you just bought. We checked the person demo who you bought the sniper from to see if he gave the sniper for you for free to massRDM with, but you didn't mention it to him so nothing happened with that. Staff spectated the whole situation and the demo of the situation to make sure what happened.

Lying in your appeal is not a recommended approach. It was 1-year ban as a result of how you acted in the situation.
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