Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @KeiwaM
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Mortlalwombat
Your Roleplay Name: carlos johnsini
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:478487018

Why were you punished?: First it was for 3.4 which got extended for threats on discord

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am here to make another apology as the last one was denied i have tried to better myself and be a better player on other servers but i can not find one that is this fun i do deeply regret my past actions and acknowladge that i have broken multiple.I want to further explain why i got banned and why i regret it.First it was for breaking 3.4 in sitiuation with a police officer i have played on other RP servers (mostly GTA 5) and learned how important it is to follow 3.4 otherwise known as fear rp i do deeply regret breaking said rule.After said situation i went on Discord and threatened to DDos the server.At the time i had allot of anger issues and such but have learned to better myself i know the threat to DDos is a big threat and i do apologize for any harm it could have done.I want to show that i have bettered myself learned how to roleplay and play and better the Perp heads community.I also want to apologize to KeiwaM for my innapropriate msges on discord i am sorry for any threats for you or the server.I have the deepest wishes for you guys to let me back on to the server even if its on a strict rule break instant re-ban situation.Warm regards and thanks for reading my apeal and taking your time to even consider this apology as sufficent thank you all :D.PS sorrry for copying the last one said try again later

Additional Information: my mate wants to try the server and i wanna guide him how to play
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