Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @4 staff members @A1L @Efan @phoondos @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Years

Your Steam Name: sshmatt
Your Roleplay Name: Mattie Zand
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:107168357

Why were you punished?: 1.6, 3.11 - User proppushed a car onto the roof of Bazaar, lied in report claiming that they did not do it, wasting multiple staff members' time. // Banned for Enforcer phoondos // 2.6- User failed to report another player who broke 3.11, joining in instead

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Perpheads community,

I'm going to start off by saying thank you for devoting your precious time to read my appeal and I hope you see that I truly value the Perpheads community and every staff member, especially A1L.

My prior actions on the Perpheads server were openly stupid, pathetic, brainless, dunce-like, senseless and most importantly DUMB. I understand that i violated the perpheads server standards and wasted time of many staff members (sorry A1L)

As my penalty expires on the 3rd May 2026 i will have surpassed my childhood and hopefully be more mature and be a proper non stupid member of the perpheads community (or drown the memories of perpheads in adult activities) but we'll move on.

When this penalty was applied, i realised something has to change, something in my minute brain has to change so I spent most of today (Sunday 4th August 2024) reading every character of every word of every sentence of every rule that is associated with Perpheads so the person i was months ago is non-existent and will never be seen again.

I'm pretty sure my initial server ban length was 3 weeks long, and if I was a normally functioning homosapien then I wouldn't be here.

But here I am.

I really hope you read this and consider what i have said for the past 2 minutes of your life and i hope this will give me a slight increase of me getting the chance to play one of the most special games created


Mattie Zand. Member of the Zand army

Additional Information: Sorry A1L, Scoot, Efan, Phoondos, MangoFracht423
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