Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Year

Your Steam Name: Robert Rispens
Your Roleplay Name: Bobby Rispens
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:799231011

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - Failed to comply whilst under gunpoint // Extended due to horrific history with 3.4 rule

Why should this appeal be considered?: Before i begin, My steam account is linked to the wrong discord account! it would be nice if you could unlink the following number: 76561199558727750

Account Link for proof that its me:

Hello admins. Its this time again where im pissed about myself and cant even look at the horrid 3.4 history rules i keep breaking....
Im sorry for the absolute shittiest shit ive given all of you to keep banning me for my horrid 3.4 rule. These nice admins had to keep banning me cause i was a moron and couldnt think properly... Here are them: it first starts with Bnjemann then our beloved SamSN then Collier while my english still sucked ass!! then you have steelo really nice guy then mr WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW idk if his still an admin then pug who banned me also a nice guy and then steelo again and my latest ban by Megasaw aka you. Its been one hell of a journey on perpheads, the moment i got banned on perpheads i gave up and didnt feel like playing perpheads anymore cause i could never think right.
I also had some private issues wich made me act like an asshole and a dickhead in one. I apologize for this ridiculous journey all of these admins had to go trough cause of me. These private issues are gone now after a while im feeling quite fresh for serious roleplay but i understand that i have such a horrid 3.4 record that this unban might not be possible as of right now.

I feal incredbly sorry and i would like to have another chance at perpheads, even tho i understand that this might not be possible it would be amazing cause i barely have any games to play cause im just broke...

I have some stories to tell you all about what i used to do in perpheads you can skip this part of reading if you want to (its only stories)

So as bobby rispens i was a person who travelled alot, i used to go to bazaar or make friends and do some questionable drug things like litteraly grow weed on the middle of the road wich allways was fun! i allways used to joke around alot and be an idiot but try not to get banned or break any rules.

I also started my officer career wich first didnt go that well cause i shot an officer cause he was beeing a dickhead towards me and then i lost my hat sadly... i became a probie wich went well some people might say.

I was also a star as a paramedic in my opinion! i was allways ontime but most of the time there ware loads of people with no eyes that just walked infront of a speeding ambulance so it was a bumpy ride...

I really like perpheads cause of the amount of friends you can make and how stupid you can be! its just a really great city.
The moment when im going to be unbanned il probably learn to not get raided or read the 3.4 rule atleast 100 times before my brain starts dying.

If anyone is wondering how my name became Bobby Rispens its actaully a funny story. There is this person called Allen and we both met at city hall and he told me robert rispens wasnt really cutting it. he told me to change robert to bobby cause its just more fun he said. I said hell yeah and just did in 2022 i made a good amount of friends as a noobie but i also lost quite alot cause of my bans and inactivty. I know quite boring

You MIGHT BE asking yourself hey bobby have you ever been in a faction. I would say yes i have. My first faction was crime something i dont remeber to be honest... it was a fun faction and they ware really nice towards me.

Ive joined a couple ohter, like the orange faction with the george guy but idk if hes still on.

I have a feeling some people still miss me but its probably not true!!

Well this is about everything i know such a boring story but meh its a story but its quite small cause of been to perpheads for like 2 years now but most of it i was banned.. Yikes well

you can stop skipping reading!!
Right Megasaw again theres not much to say mainly cause the ban record is horrid and i dont think that you want to give me another chance cause ive been such a doochbag but i really hope so!
Ive learned from my stupid mistakes cause i didnt take it seriously and i didnt even surrender!! its unbelievable.

Greets Bobby Rispens
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