Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: William.
Your Roleplay Name: Luke McGowan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:181804583

Why were you punished?: "not here to roleplay, just here to blow up fuel cans"

Why should this appeal be considered?: We blew up the police station with gas cans, were arrested then released. There was no admin dispute and no warning just a permaban. We didn't intend to RDM anyone and weren't thinking it as a rule break. We have been playing on this server for nearly two years now, have recently bought premium and do RP seriously often. This was just a mistake made trying to have fun and cause some chaos on the map. There was no intent to ruin anyone's playtime. I completely understand a ban for this but I feel like a permanent one is highly unfair, seeing as most of the time on this server we are roleplaying as normal. I am sincerely sorry for the rule break, it was not intentional and wasn't thought through whatsoever. After the first bombing there was no admin intervention whatsoever, only in game investigation from the police, who didn't say anything about it being a ban-able offence. We just got carried away trying to have a laugh and did not expect it to lead to this. Like I said before I am really sorry and if you ever let us back on will make sure it never happens again. Thank you for taking the time to review this appeal.
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You have had 5 separate occasions you have "bombed" locations which include: the Police department x2, Bank, Hospital and monorail.

Police department 2nd sept 22:50, died by cop
Police department 2nd sept 22:19, Killed an officer
Bank 2nd Sept 22:10, Killed a firefighter
Hospital 1st Sept 22:20, no casualties by you but your friend got one citizen
Monorail 1st Sept 22:08, Suicide by gas can and you murdered ur friend.

Furthermore you were made aware on the first of September (by multiple people) that you were NOT allowed to do this as you asked if you could act as a terrorist and bomb stuff, you even asked if no people were there. followed by "pwetty pwease :3" clearly being made aware it was not allowed nor welcomed by the community.

This is not your first encounter with mingery as you have multiple bans regarding minging and innappropriate behaviour, Such as 2.8, 2.5 (rping as terrorist), 2.5 slashing 9 players tires, 2.5 as courier kept running people over.

You have been told multiple times to not do stuff like this and you still continue, if you want a full ban reason here you go:

1.4, 2.5, 3.4, 3.6, 3.9, 3.20 - User decided to bomb (using gas cans) multiple places throughout the past 2 days, while doing so in seperate occassions user killed an officer, firefighter, their friend and themselves, User did so in public spaces such as bank, hospital, monorail and police station. User was aware that it was not allowed as he asked in OOC/HELP and was told it was against the rules. At the last attempt at the police department user committed a crime in front of cops that responded directly gunpointed him and shot him in the police lobby, after this user disconnected to avoid a report. User is not here to roleplay only to cause problems. Horrible record

This appeal will go through an admin meeting due to the ban length and they will decide to change the ban to a certain period of time.
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