Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Callum86
Your Roleplay Name: Ahkmed Moostafi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:97283562

Why were you punished?: Blowing up Fuel Cans

Why should this appeal be considered?: I have played on the server for a long time and am actively engaged in RP (Performing jobs, crime RP, being an organisation member, buying cars, and saving money). My friend and I have done so for the past year on the server; the ban claims we have no intent to RP, which is not true. We have seen others commit crimes with fuel cans and were not aware this mechanic was bannable, especially permanently. I apologise for using the fuel can mechanic, but I was shocked to see a permanent ban, considering we are long-standing players on the server.

Steam ID: 76561198154832853
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You have had 5 separate occasions you have "bombed" locations which include: the Police department x2, Bank x2, and monorail.

Police department 2nd sept 22:50, died by cop
Police department 2nd sept 22:19, Killed an officer (as your friend got the kill yet you supplied the knife that he stabbed and watched him do it)
Bank 2nd Sept 22:10, Killed a firefighter (your friend got the final kill but you clearly placed a shit ton of fuel cans aswell)
Bank 1st Sept 22:25, You killed 1 civilian
Monorail 1st Sept 22:08, Suicide by gas can as your friend murdered you.

Furthermore you were made aware on the first of September (by multiple people) that you were NOT allowed to do this as you asked if you could act as a terrorist and bomb the PD etc, where people responded with No also while ur friend repeated the question you were told no. Clearly being made aware it was not allowed nor welcomed by the community.

1.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.4, 3.6, 3.9, 3.20 - User decided to bomb (using gas cans) multiple places throughout the past 2 days, while doing so in seperate occassions user's friend and him killed an officer, firefighter, a civilian, their friend and themselves, User did so in public spaces such as bank x2, monorail and police station x2. User was aware that it was not allowed as he asked in OOC/HELP and was told it was against the rules. At the last attempt at the police department user committed a crime in front of cops that responded directly gunpointed him and shooting him in the police lobby, after these actions the user disconnected relatively soon to avoid reports (which he has done before as with his other attempts of arson). User is not here to roleplay only to cause problems with his friend. In another case user failed to report their friend for blowing up the hospital for little to no reason.

You are just as mingy as your friend as you clearly are metagaming with history and just play to minge around, even though you got a smaller record you deserve it just as much as with majority of the cases you are there doing it with him by supplying and putting down fuel cans/ knives / support as clearly shown in the logs that you were there too.

This appeal will go through an admin meeting due to the ban length and they will decide to change the ban to a certain period of time.
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