Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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United Kingdom
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@fredy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Pug
Your Roleplay Name: Jerome Darky
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:84503031

Why were you punished?: 2.4 Exchanging In-Game Items funds for Real Funds

Why should this appeal be considered?: Firstly I would like to apologise to @Fredy, as this is the person it has solely affected the most. Basically a month+ prior to my ban I had brought items off @Clarky , it was then brought to his attention i beleive that @Clarky was selling items which lead to an investigation by Fredy and other staff members, as for those items I do not actually remember but I was just like basic shit such as bandages and meds and some weapons with out of game funds, this was then brought to Fredy's attention leading up to our bans to which he investigated from further. Originally @Backe was banned because that is how it looked at first glance to logs but this was indeed not the case as the money had been sent to Backe as if it was on my behalf to be crafted.

It has been over 5 and a half months since my ban and will be 6 months at the start of october (Was banned on 5th april) and during this time I have took time to reflect on my actions and how they effected the sever gameplay and the whole point of grinding to get where i would have liked to be.

I would like to make it very clear that No AS50's (Like some people seem to claim) was done via this, this was me soley powergrowing and crafting on my days off work to get org XP as it was the best way for it. Another mis conception was that my casino was run off this, that is also not the case due to me powergrowing whilst crafting and then selling my 100+ as50's, it was the best way to sell my product for org XP along with earning money with a casino. A lot of people ask now “why by items then and not just craft yourself/pay others to craft and not gonna lie, i’m still unsure on why I didn’t, it would of saved a lot of other people the stress/time of investigating it

I would also secondly like to apologise to @Backe for getting him banned at first and not coming instantly forward to save fredy time of looking through the logs, and backe the stress of being banned without a knowing reason

I am wishing for a second chance in the community, I have played here since 2016, admittedly off to a bad start with being banned for cheating but then coming back and spending several years in the staff team with one of the highest report counts at the time, I spent numerous amount of time within the staff team, from catch cheaters when meth/oink was thriving in 2021 to just doing general reports and did attempt my best with the server. Leading up to my ban for out of game funds, I was demoted from staff due to the meta gaming incident that took place and being involved with that I can see why people may think it is stupid to want me back.

I understand that my inventory will be cleared of my illicit gains and wish to once apologise to Fredy and whoever else had to spend time looking through the logs to work out what took place and once again would like to apologise for the issues caused and promise to comeback with a good strong outlook towards the server and refrain from doing any silly shit like this again

Additional Information: thank you for your time
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