Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @monk
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Year

Your Steam Name: gavinator68
Your Roleplay Name: Jamal Frickleback
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:175015216

Why were you punished?: Accidentally threw a grenade in a crowd while attempting to drop it.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'm going to be honest with you, this was completely ridiculous on my part. I was walking up to someone who had spawnkilled me earlier, to ask them why they did it and who they were, and that I couldnt apply for my previous job because of it. (NLF was still active when they killed me) as I attempted to drop the grenade and give it back to the guy who gave it to me (Some guy named cleetus, he isn't banned and he can vouch for me) I accidentally pulled the pin and killed a few people at spawn. I immediately began apologizing, as it was an accident. I was pleading but eventually gave up. I didn't get a chance to explain myself but I understand if you deny this appeal.

Additional Information: Also, I'm a new player. I'm still getting used to these controls as they're much different than base GMOD. This situation was completely ridiculous on my part and I shouldn't be so idiotic next time. Good day!
There were a variety of witnesses; i'm not asking for you to completely remove the ban but to atleast shorten it. Sorry.
Hi I killed ya as we were assassinating the mayor and you as ss were in the office pointing a gun at me! (Not sure why you were pointing the gun if mayor wasn’t there?) mHence why you were killed. You came over and said about me killing you, breaking nlr THEN pulled the pin and threw it, I got away but you killed multiple people, you only apologised after you did it because you massrdmed, reality was you were trying to rdm me. The mods have the video which also proves you’re lying about a few things here.

You also had a issue as the min I spoke you stated you “didn’t want my kind here” and that we would be “oppressed” and you tried to kidnap me by ordering me as ss to come to office to which a cop stopped you.
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you were trying to rdm me. The mods have the video which also proves you’re lying about a few things here.

You also had a issue as the min I spoke you stated you “didn’t want my kind here” and that we would be “oppressed” and you tried to kidnap me by ordering me as ss to come to office to which a cop stopped you.
First off; No. I wasn't trying to RDM you, and once again i'll restate; I asked you who you were; and asked why you killed me when NLF was applied and then I was trying to drop the grenade which ended up in me accidentally throwing it. What you have gotten wrong is that I was trying to RDM you in revenge. About the "your kind" thing.. It wasnt a racially/whatever you are charged thing. We were roleplaying as a dictatorship.

Secondly, you and your accomplices had charged in the building, shot at us and killed the mayor. the kill logs itself tell the story. I had my gun out because I was trying to find him so I could protect him.
Don't even try to lie.
Kinda Involved but I was there when it happened, In ooc you said you "Accidentally" pulled the pin but from my POV you did not, It clearly shows you did it on purpose
As for you; you watched it. I literally yelled "Oh Sh-" in exclemation that i threw the grenade on accident. I really don't know HOW you got that I did that on purpose but interpretation is one hell of a thing. Rewatch it a few times so you can get it.

That's about it.
You said to me “you killed shot me” I said nah man and you proceeded to say about how I shot you as ss, you never mentioned why I did it. You wasn’t ss when you made the comments. I had died at subs trying to kill the mayor mate, we waited ten minutes and then went up to ch to raid and kill the mayor, we weren’t apart of the other group lol, after we raided and realised the building was empty we got the pop up saying the mayor was assassinated, they weren’t my accomplishes they were a group of angry people, my people were in my caddy with me!

We are not here to argue about this. You have said your piece as have I. We will wait for admin meeting to decide.
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You were only banned a few days prior, this will not be considered for a while considering it's a Mass RDM ban
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