Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Acerius
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent
Your Steam Name: Dave the rave
Your Roleplay Name: derick gee
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:121175745
Why were you punished?: 1.4, 2.5, 5.3 - User broke into a new player's property in Projex and mugged the new player, leaving them in zip-ties. The user then returned afterwards with another player, only to break in again while the new player was still zip-tied as they were confused on what to do and continue raiding the rest of the property. The user the broke their raid timer, having clearly already raided twice, by then going and raiding a third property in Projex, and then a fourth property in Regals, and then a fifth property in Slums. When challenged in LOOC, the user said "what is that not allowed". Long ban due to a recent slew of warnings and a ban since returning - the user is an experienced player and should know better. Extended by Collier to permanent for 5.1 - Amassing 57 logs of new player muggings in 4 days, many of which on both unique and the same new players in less than 60 minutes.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Its been more than a year, i used to love playing and at the time just didn't understand the severity of what i done, i was a genuine player not banned for say troll mass rdming. i have played loads of gta rp since and have really learnt a lot and now fully understand rp servers. Also i would love to once again be able to see the old faces and once again be in Para lake. If you are kind enough to get me back in, if i make one wrong move you can perma me again, this wont happen as my rp has aged and matured