Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Oddy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: enderzag
Your Roleplay Name: Rob Fitcher
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76561198080870046

Why were you punished?: Accidental Mass RDM

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Admin/s,

I wanted to apologize for my actions that took place 1/26/2025 at the Bazaar. I realized what I did was over kill and wrong. I believe I do deserve to be banned for an amount of time but wanted to make an appeal to request that I can get a lesser ban sentence. I had an altercation with a person in game, I feel me and him were both in the wrong for some parts, but I am not here about that. Basically, I blew up his bazaar shop after he vandalized mine and attempted to kill me. We had issues before this, but this is what led me to do what I did in that current RP life. I realized that I went overkill and did not intent to kill anybody besides him and as well as vandalize his shop. I used a remote C4 to do this. I never have used any explosive other than a car bomb prior to this so I wasn't aware of how big the explosion was. During this event I accidentally killed 5 other people who were not involved. I could have and should have been more careful and more rational before going to the extreme of blowing up his shop. I was not aware of the rules of when it is appropriate to use explosives. My 30 days played on the server had been mostly Crafting and Leveling up skills and Jobs. I understand where I was wrong in this situation 100% and do not expect to be unbanned from this, I was in the wrong as well as was not thinking. I just again wanted to request a possible shorter ban if possible and considered. This is my favorite RP server on any game by far and respect the admins for taking these kinds of things seriously. I did not mean to mass RDM, this was supposed to be targeted to one person and his shop alone. I am very sorry for this and am 100% willing to repay everyone who was affected by this situation back if and when possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I understand whatever outcome happens from this and don't expect or look forward to being unbanned anytime sooner than the 6 months given, I just thought this server was worth taking a shot at an appeal and as well as I generally wanted to apologize to Oddy and players involved for putting them in that situation. I feel like this ban will help me learn something for when I eventually get back on the server.

Looking forward to playing again someday :)

Thank you,


Additional Information: Oddy,

I am sorry for my actions and for you having to take time out of your day to deal with my wreck less actions.
I hope we can start a clean slate when I eventually get back on the server. I don't want this to make me look like a troll or minge and understand and appreciate you keeping the server clean.

Thank you