Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Exnem
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: wuenx
Your Roleplay Name: James Magiure
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:455823014

Why were you punished?: 2.1, 3.3, 3.9, 3.10 - User placed props and boosted their way into the farm in order to raid it. Said props were also placed unrealistically. Extended by Collier due to him not contributing anything positive to the server.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Perpheads Administration,

ONn July12th lst year, i was banned for logging into the server with a differen account.I acknowledge that was a mistake,and I sincerely apologize for my actions.
At that time, I did not take the server seriously enough and did not fully understand the importance of following the rules. However,over tme,I have realized my mistakes and now understand that adhering to the rules helps create a better gaming environment for everyone. If my ban is lifted, I promise to follow all server rules and countribute positively to the community.

Additional Information: I kindly ask you to reconsider my case and give me a second chance.Regardless of your decision, I will respect your judgment.

You have repeatedly shown characteristics of a vindictive, vengeful person with an almost pathological need to make everyone else's experience worse. You would routinely mug and target sweaters and become incredibly rageful at even the slightest inconvenience. You MassRDM'd, joined the shoutbox, and decided to be racist. Upon your return, you got banned again for using racial slurs and not even 18 days after being unbanned, you once again showed a complete unwillingness to follow the rules all in an attempt to satisfy your need to negatively impact someone else's experience.

Many of your ban reasons reflect this. Why should we believe that this time would be any different?
Tekrar tekrar, herkesin deneyimini daha kötü hale getirmek için neredeyse patolojik bir ihtiyaç duyan, kindar, intikamcı bir kişinin özelliklerini gösterdin. Rutin olarak soygun yapıp kazakları hedef alıyordun ve en ufak bir rahatsızlıkta bile inanılmaz derecede öfkeleniyordun. MassRDM'd yaptın, bağırma kutusuna katıldın ve ırkçı olmaya karar verdin. Geri döndüğünde, ırkçı hakaretler kullandığın için tekrar yasaklandın ve yasağın kaldırılmasından 18 gün bile geçmeden, bir kez daha kurallara uyma konusunda tamamen isteksiz olduğunu gösterdin, hepsi de bir başkasının deneyimini olumsuz etkileme ihtiyacını tatmin etme çabasıydı.

Yasaklama nedenlerinizin çoğu bunu yansıtıyor. Bu seferin farklı olacağına neden inanalım ki?
Before, I thought Perpheads waaas just a game and that my misbehavior, like in other war games,was normal. However, after spending time on other servers, I realized that role-play has nothing to do with other types of games.Its true that i get angry easily,but i believe i can overcome this.
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