Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Fesch
Your Roleplay Name: Tanner Anderson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:434225840

Why were you punished?: I was punished for allegedly saying the n word.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hey i want to start by saying that really sorry for what happened. I swear on everything i love, I did not say it intentionally. I know i was being kind of a dick about it yesterday, but i was tired and its hard when everybody is against you. This is actually the case of a "my tounge slipped", i forgot to say the "k" sound, so it came out as two g's. I did not to actually say it, or mean any disrespect by it, and tried to cover it up quiclky afterwards by saying it correctly. I promise you, It will never happen again, i have learned my lesson and will never play around with words like that ever again. The friends i made on this server are the only ones i have, really, i mean that, and i dont want to loose that just because of some stupid pronounciation mistake. Headline, i am very very sorry and sad because of what i did. I really hope that you will take this into consideration. Thank you.

Additional Information: I don't know if this is going to help, but i read all the rules and recorded it, so here you go:
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I just want to be clear. Im not asking for my ban to be completely disputed, but i would really really appreciate a shorter ban.
Hello, is there an estimated date when this is going to be adressed?
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