Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: dambroo
Your Roleplay Name: i forgot i think it was kiara muppet or smth
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:861481660

Why were you punished?: MRDM

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was banned because i killed 3 people and this admin messaged me in game and he told me why did i do it i told him my reasons which were that i had been robbed and that they pulled a gun on me and told me to go away when all i wanted was my item that was stolen and i told him i have proof in a clip he said ok show me and i told him how he said using smth like streamable and send him a link and since i had a large piece of footage it was immopissble to send it to him without editing the clip so i had to download an editor and i edited the clip and came back to find i was banned when i had no time to show him the clip that proved my innocence
This could easily been avoided if you let him know or sent a message that you wouldn't reconnect to the server for an hour.

Feel free to post the clip.
This could easily been avoided if you let him know or sent a message that you wouldn't reconnect to the server for an hour.

Feel free to post the clip.

my mic isnt caught by the clip but the whole time i was asking them and he kept saying no
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This could easily been avoided if you let him know or sent a message that you wouldn't reconnect to the server for an hour.

Feel free to post the clip.
i told him its gonna take me a minute i didnt mean a minute literally i meant like its gonna take some time

Reduced to 5 days as one of the kills was in fact valid and this wasn't exactly a mass rdm attempt. Ban reason will also be altered to include this.

Reviewed with @A1L
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