Ban Apology (aqua)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @aqua
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Days

Your Steam Name: Nyarlatoteph
Your Roleplay Name: dragan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96309731

Why were you punished?: for burning

Why should this appeal be considered?: well i checked my demos and is empy so i dont have how to prove the previous fight in that station before i dropped the molotov so , i can say sorry for that i dont have anything to do, i could pay the damage to the player for the burned props or something etc with my money , i did it for a reason but i dont have how to prove so i prefer to apology then i can give up a number in cash $$ for pay the props
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Your demos are found under the garrysmod\data\phdemos and not in the garrysmod\demo folder.

Here is a guide to view a demo:

This should help with disputing it, if you wish to do so.

If you wish to rather only apologize say so and the dispute shall be closed and this one will stay open.
i dont have any demo recorded i dont record the game because is heavy for my system record produces lag.
i dont have any demo recorded i dont record the game because is heavy for my system record produces lag.
Yes you do, my guess is that you have not even bothered to look at the guide you've been sent twice now already. Demo's are automatically recorded and this is not something that is optional.

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Ban expired, if you still wish to despite the ban, please provide the demo file as requested.