Ban Apology (Auston)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @urm i didnt see the name
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: ICU
Your Roleplay Name: also unsure of my name
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:616396555

Why were you punished?: gun point failing ??

Why should this appeal be considered?: i got a ban well over 6 hours after i left the server the only time i failed gp wasnt really failing gun point i had my gun out got into a public place and got a gun pulled on me they stopped looking at me so i pulled mine out and killed them i feel this ban is well out of hand as if they look away and allow me to take my gun out while not looking at me but instead looking at a cop that was coming over then thats on them they failed to rob me in a public place

Additional Information: this ban is prime example of why few years ago i quit this server

Is this an apology or a dispute, because it sounds like you don't agree with the ban rather than admitting fault and apologising for your actions?
i guess apology but i do admit i pulled my gun out after they tried to rob me in a public place but i only pulled my weapon out when they got distracted by police so when they looked away i went round a corner pulled my gun then when they came back to me as they come round the corner i shot them down.

i guess apology but i do admit i pulled my gun out after they tried to rob me in a public place but i only pulled my weapon out when they got distracted by police so when they looked away i went round a corner pulled my gun then when they came back to me as they come round the corner i shot them down.
This is not what happened.
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