Ban Apology (AwesomeGamersHQ)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @AwesomeGamersHQ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: Ethém
Your Roleplay Name: Ethem Karaaslan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:523822879

Why were you punished?: I was punished because I drove away when in gunpoint

Why should this appeal be considered?: I really want to get in to the town as soon as possible, I was just driving around hicktown and wanted to say hello to wood cabin 2, I came close to them and was saying hello. I saw the guns in their hands but I didnt see them gunpointing at me, when I thinked about it it was a dangerous place to be in so I tried to drive away but they shooted (Normally) I know I am in the wrong here but giving a ban and not a warning in this situation seems a bit harsh aint it? I already telled the admin I didnt see the guns etc. He didnt answer me or said to me he was going to give me a punishment or anything like that so I just said to him have a great day and left the game to eat some food. And when I came back after 2.30 3 hours I was banned from the server. I know I am in the wrong here, I didnt saw them gunpointing me and tried to drive away, but still giving a ban instead of a warning for this a bit harsh.
I forgot to mention it, My eyes are myopic and I didnt wear my glasses at the moments so everything was blurry. I know this is lame excuse but this is the reason.
My right eye doesnt see %50
My left eye doesnt see about %5 to %10
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You're right, I wasn't able to answer you because you left the game.
Given you have two recent warnings for breaking rule 3.4, I would say a 1 day ban is more than fair.
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