Ban Apology (Banned for Enforcer Snusmus : Admin Sean)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment? @Snusmus
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Brodestoryer
Your Roleplay Name: Tim Rodriguez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:665803346

Why were you punished?: 3.4- Did not comply under gunpoint, did other emotes instead of putting his hands up which resulted in his death. \\Banned for Enforcer Snusmus

Why should this appeal be considered?: The reason this should be appealed is because I really ment no harm. When I was in the forest I Just was trying to find some magic mushrooms but then out of knowhere a gang shows up out of nowhere to terrorise me. I had just started to play perpheads again after the recent passing of one of my family members, so I was not familerized with the rules relating to 3.4 I thought I could just drive away and only when your not in a car you have to listen to them. I really just want to not be robbed and just left alone because I have no friends in this game. So when I got out of the car I really Didnt know how to surrender they where yelling at me and I was stressed out, they said the buttion c is to surrender but I missclicked and hit the other emotes right next to me. I really ment no hard and I am sorry for my actions leading into this event I have took a serious look at the rules and now understand what to do. If you can do anything about this that would be great if not thats ok! Have a great week.
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Brother, you broke the rules, you got banned. You are not entitled to being unbanned early, nor are you entitled to hassle staff and complain about your appeal not being handled fast enough for your liking. Stop bumping your thread and be patient. Your ban is only for 2 days anyway
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