Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Ursa mid | Commend me
Your Roleplay Name: Jonathan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148216594

Why were you punished?: Proppushing

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Perpheads,

I want to underline that I am completely new to your server - and while that is not an excuse not to read through all the many rules, I was simply caught in the amazing and fun roleplay which I were so lucky to be engaged with right off the bat.

The incident happend, when - after gambling with R. Sanchez we recieved a watermelon from the casino guy, and, by complete and utter intuitive thinking - I grabbed it and pushed it towards a car with my friend inside of it where I said "here have a melon bro" I was roleplaying that I was throwing him a melon. But the most unfortunate and unlucky thing happend... Apparently the psychics are cracked when it comes to objects getting anywhere near obstacles, and it apparently pushed the car far away and moved all the other cars in the Bazaar area. Then I was shot and killed by a police officer and before I knew anything I was permanently banned.

The admin wrote that I "had no intent to roleplay" however, this honestly is not true at all, im not sure what made them conclude this, as I have no past offences and this was the first ever innocent incident i've ever had. I did not mean to cause this incident and I am very sadden to be permanently banned, I really enjoyed the hyper-realistic roleplaying and I sincerely feel awful that this incident caused a disturbance in the roleplay for others. This is one of the best and funniest servers I have ever been on since 2012, so I hope that you can provide me with a chance to proof that I truly are a serious roleplayer, and this should not define me as a person. I wish that my ban lenght gets reduced because I did not mean to proppush and I honestly regret ever picking up the melon, wont happen again.

Im very sorry, truly.

Additional Information:
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Upon investigating my demo due to me failing my clip, you did a lot worse than expected.

1) it was a pumpkin not a melon
2) The dude u slammed the pumpkin into is in no way or form your friend as you had 0 interactions with this guy
3) You clearly intentionally smash the pumpkin into the floor completely shooting the ferrari away
4) You separately moved the other vehicles with a sweeping motion across the bazaar trying to cause as much damage as possible
5) Your playtime is extremely low and it clearly shows lack of ability to play within the rules of perpheads with actions like this
6) You are clearly lying in your appeal as the video (my demo) does not match ANYTHING in your story.

I suggest not lying in appeals to staff in the future.

Reviewed with @A1L
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