Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: joe molese heidelberg
Your Roleplay Name: Bob krab
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188077756

Why were you punished?: Be gone Massrdmer!

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hallo
This appeal is submitted regarding my recent ban under the reason “MassRDM”. I have realized that I was wrong to do so and I am willing to admit it. I know that Perpheads is a serious roleplay server and I was not in line with the community guidelines. I stumbled at the time of the incident, whether I was frustrated or not knowing what the rules were. But having looked at what I did and the rules of the server again, I understood how much harm I caused not only to the staff but to the entire roleplay process for the other players. This was not my intention and I am sorry for what I did. I enjoy playing Perpheads a lot and I would like to play again and demonstrate that I can be a good and mannered member of the community. If my appeal is being considered, I can promise that I will come into the game with a much more serious and respectful mindset, so that an incident like this does not happen again. Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I understand that if the ban remains, it is because of the time that the staff puts into the server and I don’t blame them at all. However, I appreciate the thought given to my appeal.
hallo? you gonna actually bring up why you copy and pasted your old appeal from some random ass server?
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