Ban Apology (Collier)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: RealHarryHill
Your Roleplay Name: Josh Finlan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:551252121

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: because i killed people

Why should this appeal be considered?: I did not understand the rules clearly of the sever since people were doing the same to me. Now i understand the rules clearly. I deeply regret my actions and i do not think that 6 months is appropriate. Ive only started playing gmod rp recently and out of the few that ive been on i have found that the rest of the severs are boring apart from Ive been playing pretty much non stop for the past week and im absolutely gutted that i cant play anymore. I really hope you reconsider this ban becuase i was hoping to play on this sever a lot since i have just lost my job and this sever has make me feel so much better and forget about my job.

You were going around randomly firing your gun into crowds and randomly killing players who you came across, or who were standing still, then lied to me in the report about it and refused to answer any questions beyond the complete and utter fabrication that was that you'd been attacked by ONE of the several players I asked you about.
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