Ban Apology (Collier)

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IKEA (got lost in it 5 years ago)
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey
Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - Failed to comply for 4 whole minutes when another player was attempting a valid forced withdrawal.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would like to apologise to the admins for the recent event with the forced withdrawel that happened which i did not comply with, i understand what i had done was wrong and have now realised forcing a withdrawel is allowed and taken the time i have been banned to understand and learn from my mistakes, i understand now that in a scenario i should comply and than if i feel a rule has been broken to report it instead of doing what i did, making the situation bad on my end, im sorry again for what i have done during the scenario that happened and to the attempts before which were denied, wasting time for the admins. i know now i was in the wrong and have taken the time to read upon the rule of 3.4 for future scenarios, i want to apologise to both collier and A1L for the situation and wasting their time and im hoping you can consider my apology and allow me and early return to perpheads. if not that is completely fine. i appreciate you for taking the time to read this and consider it no matter the choice picked. thankyou and i hope you accept my apology as ive learn from my mistake.

many thanks - ikea monkey
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