Ban Apology (collier)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: Lucas. P
Your Roleplay Name: Ken Kennif
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:516587166

Why were you punished?: 1.2, 1.6, 3.4, 3.20 - Failed to comply with an Officer under gunpoint for an extended period of time, before finally surrendering. Called his arresting Officer a homophobic slur before disconnecting in handcuffs. On an earlier occasion, placed a prop midair to look into a potential raid victim's property, claiming it was his 'cousin'. Upon reviewing evidence of this, it is evident nobody switched places with him.

Why should this appeal be considered?: becuase i really want to play perpheads and i wanna be an respectable player and stop breaking the rules.
i am truely sorry for breaking the rules and i will be honest, i was lying my cousin wasent there, and that is my fault that i lied, i know its better to just tell the truth. I was physics gun abuse but i instantly got away cuz my freinds said i should stop and i did (btw i think there is an mistake, cuz i didnt raid THAT apertment that i weas doing that thing with the fence, i was raiding under him/her, i dont know if she/he walked down and then died or what happend, but i am sorry for it)

so about the officer, i know i should just have took the jail time and just roleplaying but i got so mad and i regret it, like i dont even know why i got so mad, i think i had a bad day but i dont really remebere. Calling the officer a "faggot" was a very dumb thing cuz i know its very offensive, but i didnt even mean it like that and that is a very bad excuese.. but im no homopfobic, i am bisexual myself and i really dont find it offensive if somebody called me that but i know i shouldnt call anybody that, and i am truely sorry for it. I would like to apoligise to the officer, the guy in the apertment and every other member. I know i do some stupid shit and i really wanna be a better roleplayer, and i have really tried to better with roleplaying, cuz i started on some fivem servers to just be better and it worked well i think. Im writting this on my birthday 02-20-2010 i am turning 15 today, just so you can see how much i actully want to get unbanned

i am very sorry everyvone i will do whatever it takes to get me unbanned tonight, cuz i really wanna make content to my tiktok and twitch aswell. Have a great night yall and im begging to let me get the chance i will do whatever you guys want, please im begging.
- Lucas <3
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