Ban Apology (dank)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: dank
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: chippzy_
Your Roleplay Name: Chippzy bindels
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:160193596

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: raiding

Why should this appeal be considered?: The rule 2.5 is a great rule to have in place to encourage, new players to stay on the server and actively partake in any activities made available. I would first of all would like to deeply apologize for the raids conducted that a large chunk of those were new players. I can assure you it is not my intention for it to be specifically new players I raid, rob and shoot indiscriminately at a lot of players and often don’t look for specific status. So yes I have been rather negligent towards the “new player status”. I often overlook nor pay attention to this which was wrong on my end.
The admin that has applied the 3 day ban has approached me about this previously and we agreed upon limiting new player raids. As I stated previously I do not intentional look for new player bases nor do I think it really makes a difference in the outcome of raids.
Furthermore, it could also be argued that the rule allows for larger clans to take in new players, and let them own property. This was also discussed with Dank however it was immediately shut down with a simple answer among the lines of “this is not the case”.
Additionally, the option of compensating stolen goods (31 Weed seeds in seeding state) was also provided to solve the issue, this was nonetheless not accepted and a 3 day ban was applied, it is understandable that the rule is in place however a 3 day ban feels steep and feels out of proportion.

To summarize I apologize and take responsibility for the raid amount being higher than what is expected on this server in regards of “New players”. However I also feel that the rule in question is not water tight and people will or may abuse this rule to avoid being raided by specifically using new players to base. I raid indiscriminately and thereby rest my case. I hope to come to a solution as I really do enjoy this server and the community and would like to continue doing so and taking active part.

Hope to hear from you, Chippzy

I appreciate the apology and your offer to redeem the drugs. However this was never going to undo your ban. Let me eleborate to sketch you a clear image.

To start you mention 2 things, Negligence to new player tags, Experienced players hiding behind new player doors. Lets start with the latter.

We actively tell people not to base in houses owned by a new player exactly for this reason. They lead to innocent new players being raided unnecessarily often. Staff will often ask someone else to buy the property to prevent this situation. This means that if you are unsure if there are experienced players behind a door you could always ask a staff member, Nevertheless in this case, with a badly boarded up home this would not be relevant.

The second one, Negligence to new player tags. I find this hard to believe, You forced open yourself, a big amount of doors. I fail to see how you missed the tags on this door. Especially as since a few days ago, If I recall correctly the 4th of October, I talked with you about your excessive raiding of new players. I am not overstating it that 80% of your raids are directed at new players. In this conversation I told you how we feel about people targeting or excessively raiding new players, when there is plenty of other places to raid.

You think your ban is excessive, yet you agreed to the condition that punishment would be issued a few days ago. I specifically told you to look out better. Given that, and the amount of raids you have done. It is evident you do not actually care about that condition at all as just as the days before 80% of your raids were new players once again.

Now as you might imagine, I only see bad excuses for not following a condition that was given to you. This ban would not have been issued if this was the first time I spoke to you, The problem is I did speak with you, I did not even warn you. I assumed that a conversation would be enough. It wasn't

I'd like you to wait out your ban and in the future, Have a good look on who you are actually raiding. If you sometimes raid a new player, That is not a problem. But making it excessive is where we draw the line.

For any more questions you can always open a DM with me or @Efan.
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