Ban Apology (Draxenシ)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Draxenシ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Roleplay Name: Don't Know Because Admin Made My Name
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:890835337

Why were you punished?: 1.2 - Discriminating another player, and women in general.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Honestly all I said to some user that had a female character was "It went back to the kitchen" and then when someone else complained I said they are good at that as well as nurturing children and they took it as an insult... Even the nurturing children part which I find quite messed up. I made the comments around 3 AM and was banned at 7:38 AM after I fell asleep... No chance to even explain myself to the admin or what the exact words they were told I said.

Additional Information: Don't know what else to say. The admin waited 4 hours to ban me. I don't even know if there was a report made with me on f6 to talk to because it was so long and i fell asleep... I don't get the admins on here. This is a Serious RP server and i guarantee you a lot worse things have been said to people in real life... If i wanted to actually "insult players and females in general" I could've chosen much worse things to say than that.. It's not like i called them a whore or anything like that. I just said it probably went to the kitchen then when someone in the room got upset I said its not a bad thing and they're good at things like that and nurturing children. It's more of a compliment and I don't get why they take it so harshly. And I also feel like the admins on this server are very uptight and don't know how to chill out. They make a Serious RP server more serious than in real life in some scenarios and it makes no sense. I had no chance to explain myself to an admin since they waited 4 hours to do anything and I fell asleep. The only time I feel like they justly banned/blacklisted me is when I was a medic running over people. The one ban I even have as a cop (though it is my fault), was hitting someone by going on the opposite side of the road and I explained to the admin in that scenario that I didn't see the person die and exit the car which I understand a blacklist and ban... I was banned only 3 days for this but 2 months for something I didn't even mean as an insult? I don't get this. I really feel like the admins are up tight and look for any kind of negativity they can sense to just get a ban in. I was even OOC blacklisted that day for saying that the admins were abusive in chat because I feel like their extremity on certain things is abusive for someone just trying to play a game, and when I typed "lol staff" the guy just said "thats it buddy see you tomorrow" and instantly blacklisted me. One or two (I don't remember exactly how many players) actually commented after that in the OOC chat and even said I shouldn't have been blacklisted for that day from OOC. I seriously don't get all this because something like this could be considered very subjective depending on the individual, I was only saying how I felt. Especially a 2 month ban for something I didn't mean in a harsh manner and isn't that serious. I've had people say fucked up shit to me on the server I just brush it off it's just a game I like to play. And I didn't think I would've been banned because whenever I do something players report me for it's usually only like 15-30 minutes after whatever happens to get an F6 with an admin. I didn't expect to go to sleep, not have an ability to explain myself and just be banned. Like the worst part about it is I wasn't even trying to hurt the persons feelings, even though technically a rule was broken. And if this is the case then where do you draw the line? Can't say someone to fuck off? Is that too negative? Then at this point where do you draw the line? Is simply saying "Fuck you bitch" also against this rule? The person did not even ask me in LOOC to stop which they can do if you "cross a line" with them. I only phrased it as a compliment afterwords because someone got upset and I didn't want to hurt their feelings any more.

I don't know my RP name as an admin changed it because they didn't like the name "Yevgeniy Prigozhin", the Steam ID and Steam account names are there though.

my steam:
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