Ban Apology (Efan)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Mak
Your Roleplay Name: Jah Mylan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:99753706

Why were you punished?: 1.2 - Making homophobic remarks. Long ban due to previously being communicated banned. // For enforcer phoondos

Why should this appeal be considered?: Afternoon,

Around 4 months ago I was banned for making homophobic remarks. I wanna address these claims to the best of my ability, so we are all on the same page.

It all started off with an individual running for mayor. Trying to gather in votes from the people using the advertisement system. I vaguely remember this incident, though I do remember being present in one of the Projex apartments, setup with a bunch of my friends. The way this situation went down was that the individual running for mayor was saying some nasty things in advert, something along the lines of "Vote for me I hate homosexuals". This is not much of an occasional message and felt quite rare to see such, so instinctively I pointed the message out to the friends in the base not thinking so much of it. It made me giggle a bit and made a sensitive joke surrounding the message. This being a long time ago, I don't exactly recall what I said down to the grid, but it was not a necessary comment to make public to the others.

I deeply apologize for the comment, it was gross and unnecessary. I wanna publish that I do not have anything against any sexuality at all, I don't judge people based on such things and never will.

My ban was originally 1 or 2 weeks if I remember correctly, though it was extended due to my past. I hope you find my apology acceptable and I would love to come back and play in the little free time I have.

I will make sure no things of this sort re-occurs.

Thank you, Mak
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