Ban Apology (@Ellie)

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Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: SkengMan
Your Roleplay Name: Tyler Green
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59713777

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Targeting the same people.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hi Team,

I was randomly banned after my first raid on a group living below me.

If the logs can be checked against the people you had thought I was targeting, that would be much appreciated. I had been in my house farming for the majority of my time playing. I had then been asked to take part in a raid, so grabbed my bat, went to the floor below, and was then slayed and banned.

If this case could be reviewed that would be greatly appreciated.

not a staff member but I’m just giving you some important advice for the future.

Ban Dispute is what you’re going for since you’re challenging the validity of the ban. If it’s accepted, the staff member then will remove your ban completely.

Ban Apology is admitting you’re wrong and promising to improve. If accepted, The staff member then can choose to or choose not to decrease your ban length.

not a staff member but I’m just giving you some important advice for the future.

Ban Dispute is what you’re going for since you’re challenging the validity of the ban. If it’s accepted, the staff member then will remove your ban completely.

Ban Apology is admitting you’re wrong and promising to improve. If accepted, The staff member then can choose to or choose not to decrease your ban length.
Hi There,
I appreciate your advice.

The reason for me not making a Ban Dispute is that I have no evidence to provide, due to this being a really random situation for me. From the ban message "Targeting the same people" I am not too sure what evidence I can provide apart from checking the logs to see if I have had any interaction with the people they thought I had been targeting.

Just slightly disappointed as I was in my apartment farming for most of the hours I was on today, due to me only just getting premium (so I get more planters).

I thought the best thing to do is make an Apology, in case I annoyed the Admin in any way.

Thanks again though!
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