Ban Apology (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: gorilla
Your Roleplay Name: Bobby Bobbison
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:449315075

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User stole an item that was a part of an investigation in front of officer for no reason. After he realized the cop tried to cuff him for stealing a crowbar, he ran all the way to slums only to place a bomb in his own apartment and kill cops. He was then arrested and police confiscated all illegal substances in the apartment.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I think it should be considered beacus i dont think it was the thing i did was so bad that i deserved 2 weeks i see why i got banned but the reason for the appeal is to just get a lower ban time as i really like playing on Perpheads. I will think more of what i do and why im gunna do it. Im sorry for what i did and see why i got banned i really hope this will be taken into consideration ive been banned for this before and i really dont wanna be banned this long. I killed one cop with the bomb and the reason i did it was because i didnt know there were drugs in my freinds apartment and i wanted to protect it so i decided it would be best to defend with a bomb since i didnt have any rifles to kill the cops to keep them out. I was in the wrong for taking the crowbar i see that and i apoligize for what i did i really hope my ban time will be reduced to maybe a week or half a week thanks for having a look at my appeal. And i really hope you see fit for it to be lowered since its vacation now and i would really like to have fun on perpheads
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Before appealing, it might be smart to serve at least half of your punishment and starting an apology with "I don't think what I did was so bad" may not be the most effective approach when you want your punishment to he lowered or removed.
Running from the police, who merely told you to drop a crowbar without any severe consequences, to an apartment filled with drugs seems imprudent.

And by detonating a bomb inside the apartment you not only risked your life, but other people's lives surrounding you and you revealed all the illegal substances inside the base you claim you used to bomb to protect.
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