Ban Apology (hayden)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: hayden
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Danielh
Your Roleplay Name: daniel hyman
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:577252620

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User was being ordered by police to stop running whilst under gunpoint and failed to do so. The user had several opportunities to stop running and even repeatedly said "no" when the officer was chasing him. In addition, the user has just come off a 3-week ban for running away under gunpoint and refusing to stop when ordered.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i have just purchased priemium agian and now im banned like it happens everytime i use my own money to buy it just to get banned i get you should have banned me but why 1 month like its just a bit anoying isnt it come on man can i at least have a 3 week not only that i dont even remember saying no to an officer
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@Acerius posted such a nice post on another punishment appeal, so I will copy paste it:

A Dispute should be made if you feel that the punishment was invalid and you have evidence to bring forward which would highlight this. You haven't provided any evidence and from the tone of this, it sounds more like an Apology than a Dispute.

Could you confirm if whether this is intended to be a Dispute or rather an Apology? If it is a Dispute you will need to provide evidence within 48 hours of this message. If it is an Apology, feel free to clarify this below and I will change the appeal type for you. You can read more guidance on the difference here.
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@Acerius posted such a nice post on another punishment appeal, so I will copy paste it:

A Dispute should be made if you feel that the punishment was invalid and you have evidence to bring forward which would highlight this. You haven't provided any evidence and from the tone of this, it sounds more like an Apology than a Dispute.

Could you confirm if whether this is intended to be a Dispute or rather an Apology? If it is a Dispute you will need to provide evidence within 48 hours of this message. If it is an Apology, feel free to clarify this below and I will change the appeal type for you. You can read more guidance on the difference here.
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Great Britain

The only basis on which you are apologising is that you had just bought premium. If this was really a concern of yours, perhaps you would have thought twice before so overtly breaking the rules in such a stupid fashion. You have received a great deal of bans and warnings for similar offences, you've had more than enough chances, we will absolutely not be considering any apology from yourself. Hopefully serving this ban in its entirely will teach you a lesson in common sense.

Reviewed with @Hayden
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